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match up → ταιριάζω, συνταιριάζω, μοιάζω, συνδυάζω, φτιάχνω σε ζευγάρια, ζευγαρώνω, ματσάρω, κάνω κονέ, τα φτιάχνω, προξενεύω, είμαι ισάξιος, συναγωνίζομαι, είμαι το ίδιο καλός

matchup → ματσάρισμα, ζευγάρωμα αντιπάλων, καθορισμός των ζευγών των αντιπάλων, καθορισμός των ζευγαριών των αντιπάλων, αναμέτρηση

(intransitive) To be similar or the same.
Unfortunately, none of the numbers on my lottery ticket matched up with the ones drawn.
(transitive) To put together, or in a pair.
After matching up all the socks in the draw, I threw away those without a pair.
(transitive) To matchmake; to set up a romantic meeting between two people.
She thought James asked her on a date because he was interested in her, but it turned out he wanted to match her up with his brother.
match up - Wiktionary
« Last Edit: 31 May, 2023, 08:09:45 by spiros »
Look up Multiple Greek, Ancient Greek and Latin dictionaries — Οὕτω τι βαθὺ καὶ μυστηριῶδες ἡ σιγὴ καὶ νηφάλιον, ἡ δὲ μέθη λάλον· ἄνουν γὰρ καὶ ὀλιγόφρον, διὰ τοῦτο καὶ πολύφωνον (Plutarch)


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