αριθμός σουίτας/διαμερίσματος/ορόφου/γραφείου
It’s a standard abbreviation, like APT for apartment. In an American address, it refers to the specific floor or office within a building. For example an office on the 18th floor of a building may have Suite 1800 as part of the address.
Whats a suite number? - All Famous FaqsA suite is the location of a business within a shopping mall or office building. The suite’s number also serves as a sort of address within an address for purposes of mail delivery and pickup.
Is suite the same as apartment?
A suite tends to have two rooms, a bedroom and a, for want of a better word, lounge room. An apartment tends to have more rooms, say two bedrooms, a lounge romm and a kitchen. A suite is usually serviced every day; an apartment may be serviced say twice a week.
What Is A Suite Number? The 8 Top Answers - Barkmanoil.comA number of rooms forming a set used together by a person, a family or company of persons.
Oxford English Dictionary a group of rooms occupied as a unit
Suite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webstersuite (hotel apartment consisting of several rooms)
suite (line of rooms interconnected by doors)
(music) suite
Suite - Wiktionary