
  • Anastasia Giagopoulou
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Όχι, βέβαια! Απλά, πίστεψα πως ήταν λόγω της πρόσφατης συναισθηματικής φόρτισης ("λόγω της ημέρας" που λέει και στην ταινία!)...Διαπίστωσα, όμως, ότι ξημέρωσε και συνεχίζεις τα καλά λόγια!!!Πολλά γλυκά έφαγες, θειούλη και γλύκανες!!! (Μη με ψαρώσεις πάλι... θα κλάψω και κλαίω και χάλια... Βίκυυυυ!!!) ;-)))
« Last Edit: 10 Nov, 2006, 13:46:17 by wings »
"Only Love can leave such a... Mark!"


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  • Vicky Papaprodromou
Σταματήστε να φαλτσάρετε με τα κλάματά σας.

Πάντως, ναι, ο θείος κάτι έπαθε και λέει καλές κουβέντες. Ζεφυρόγιαννεεεεεεεεεεε, ρίχ' του ένα Quality Assurance στο ξεκίνημα της εργασίας σου.:-)
Ο λόγος είναι μεγάλη ανάγκη της ψυχής. (Γιώργος Ιωάννου)


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Χτύπησαν κόκκινο τα εργαλεία με τον θείο. Άριστα πήρε, λέμε. :)


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Μια αναλυτική παρουσίαση και συγκριτική ανάλυση μεταξύ τριών εργαλείων (SDL Trados Terminology Verifier and QA Checker, Wordfast Quality Check, QA Distiller). Το κακό είναι ότι έχει γίνει για τα ρώσικα, οπότε δεν είναι και ό,τι πιο αντιπροσωπευτικό (λόγω του περίπλοκου encoding). Είναι, όμως, μια καλή πρώτη ματιά.


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Η νέα έκδοση (6.0) του QA Distiller.

New release of QA Distiller™

Yamagata Europe proudly announces the release of QA Distiller™ 6.0. The new version introduces a built-in TMX editor and several new checks. Any translation memory exported in TMX format can now be edited directly in the QA Distiller interface. New features include a source language inconsistency check and an enhanced brackets and quotation marks check. Furthermore, the regular expressions module has been expanded so that generically formulated strings in source and target text can be compared and checked for consistency automatically.

Don't hesitate to download the latest version of QA Distiller at and try out the new functionalities!

About QA Distiller

QA Distiller is a software application that makes it possible to automatically detect formal errors in translations and translation memories, and enables their quick and easy correction. The traceable error categories include omissions, inconsistencies, formatting problems, and terminology errors. QA Distiller is able to batch process files and supports language dependent settings. In software comparison tests QA Distiller has been repeatedly chosen as the best performing quality assurance tool.


QA Distiller can be seamlessly integrated in the traditional localisation process, providing a reliable, objective and consistent way of analysing and evaluating translation quality. Implementing automated quality control results in significant cost reductions for language service providers and end customers. Because translations are stripped of formal mistakes early in the process, proofreaders spend less time revising translations, editors insert fewer corrections in the documents, language engineers save time implementing the updates in the translation memories, and project managers don't lose time communicating feedback to all parties involved. QA Distiller offers a dream solution for companies who believe in translation quality as an indispensable factor for ensuring flawless communication in the global marketplace.

About Yamagata Europe

Yamagata Europe combines the linguistic expertise of a European documentation service provider with the Japanese obsession for unparalleled quality. With the development of QA Distiller, it leads the localisation industry to the next stage in the perception of translation quality, offering a successful solution to automate and objectify the efforts involved in checking technical translations.

Feel free to contact us:

Yamagata Europe
Maaltecenter Blok G
Derbystraat 365
9051 Gent
0032 9 2454831


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