No results in SDL MultiTerm Hitlist, or Termbase Search and Term Recognition dialogs in SDL Trados Studio
Although you know that some terms are present in your termbase, in SDL MultiTerm the Hitlist dialog is empty and in SDL Trados Studio the Term Recognition and Termbase Search dialogs are empty.
There are various possible causes/explanations for this:
The Hitlist dialog in SDL MultiTerm not shown/available.
TheTerm Recognition dialog in SDL Trados Studio not shown/available.
The Termbase Search dialog in SDL Trados Studio not shown/available.
Zone Alarm (or possibly other security labels) block access to the necessary index files *.mtf and *.mdf
1. Hitlist dialog is not shown in SDL MultiTerm:
Open SDL MultiTerm
Click in the menu on View
In the menu list, click Hitlist
2. Term Recognition and Termbase Search dialog do not show in SDL Trados Studio:
Open SDL Trados Studio
Go to the Editor View
Click in the menu on View
In the menu list, click Termbase Search or Term Recognition
If these steps do not work, reset the window layout. Resetting the window layout can be done in SDL MultiTerm and SDL Trados Studio by clicking in the menu bar on View > Reset Window Layout.
3. The hitlist in SDL MultiTerm is shown but no results are listed + terms are recognized in SDL Trados Studio (red brackets over the found terms) but not shown in the Term Recognition dialog:
Experience shows that security suites, for example, Zone Alarm (and possibly other security labels) block actions (reading, recreation, reorganizing, writing) on some of the of the necessary index files (*.mtf and *.mdf) for the termbase and so no results can be shown since the index and fuzzy match index cannot be retrieved from these blocked files.
To avoid unnecessary steps, first try to resolve this behavior by reorganizing your termbase. Reorganizing a termbase cleans up the index-related data:
Open SDL MultiTerm
Click Termbase > Open Termbase and find your termbase
Open the Catalog view
Select Termbase > Reorganize from the menu
Select one or more termbases that you want to reorganize by ticking the box:
If you want the termbases entries to be encrypted, select Encrypt Entries.
If you want the termbases to be read-only, select Set termbase to read only.
NOTE: A read-only termbase cannot be changed back to an editable state. You should make a copy of the termbase if you want to keep an editable version.
If you want the termbase to be unreadable after a certain time, select an Expiry date.
Click OK
When the termbase has been reorganized, the Next button becomes active, and the Results page is displayed.
Check your search results in the Hitlist after the reorganization and recognized terms in the Term Recognition and Termbase Search dialog are shown again.
4. If the reorganization does not work then it is very plausible that security suites on your machine block the access to the necessary index and fuzzy match files (*.mtf and *.mdf).
Follow these steps to work around this behavior:
Close all SDL applications
Open your security suite software
Add exceptions for the following file type extensions (if you do not know how to do that, refer to the help documentation for your security software):
*.sdltb (file type extension for the new termbase format in SDL MultiTerm 2009/2011 (or higher))
*.mdb (file type extension for the old termbase format in SDL MultiTerm iX/2007)
*.ldb (file type extension of the temporary file when termbases are opened in SDL MultiTerm and SDL Trados Studio)
*.mtf (file type extension for the index and fuzzy match used for search and displaying in SDL MultiTerm and SDL Trados Studio)
*.mdf (file type extension for the index and fuzzy match used for search and displaying in SDL MultiTerm and SDL Trados Studio)
After you have added the file type extensions to your security suite, save the changes. We recommend that you restart your PC to be sure the changes take effect.
After a restart, go to the location where you store your termbase and delete the files with the following extensions:
NOTE: If you cannot see the file type extensions, follow the steps from KB article #3330 Howto: Show hidden files and folders on Windows operating systems
Now open your termbase(s) again in SDL MultiTerm or SDL Trados Studio. The index and fuzzy match files with the extensions *.mtf and *.mdf will be recreated during the opening process.
No results in SDL MultiTerm Hitlist, or Termbase Search and Term Recognition dialogs in SDL Trados Studio