equipement ménager → household equipment


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soupes → soups

La soupe, ou potage, est un aliment liquide, froid ou chaud, qui est généralement servi au début du repas. La plupart des soupes traditionnelles sont composées de légumes cuits, auxquels on ajoute parfois diverses viandes ou poissons et matières grasses (lard, beurre, huile, crème fraîche…) et mème des fruits. Il existe une grande variété de soupes dans la gastronomie mondiale.

Soup is a food that is made by combining ingredients such as meat and vegetables with stock, juice, water or another liquid. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavor is extracted, forming a broth. Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées are vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream; cream soups may be thickened with béchamel sauce; and veloutés are thickened with eggs, butter and cream. Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, flour and grains.

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  salades, légumes et fruits → vegetables, fruit and salads

salades → salads

légumes → vegetables

Liste de légumesList of culinary vegetables

fruits → fruits

 En botanique, le fruit est l'organe végétal protégeant la graine. Caractéristique des Angiospermes, il succède à la fleur par transformation du pistil. La paroi de l'ovaire forme le péricarpe du fruit et l'ovule donne la graine. Dans le langage courant et en cuisine, c'est un aliment végétal, riche en sucre et en vitamines, généralement consommé cru au dessert.

In broad terms, a fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds.
The term has different meanings dependent on context. In non-technical usage, such as food preparation, fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, juniper berries and bananas, or the similar-looking structures in other plants, even if they are non-edible or non-sweet in the raw state, such as lemons and olives. Seed-associated structures that do not fit these informal criteria are usually called by other names, such as vegetables, pods, nut, ears and cones.

« Last Edit: 10 Jun, 2010, 20:31:33 by Frederique »
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linge de maison → household linen

- linge de maison → household linen (white goods or whiteware)

- papiers ménage → household paper products

« Last Edit: 18 Jun, 2010, 10:30:31 by Frederique »
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principales pièces d’une maison (habitation) → main rooms in a home

A room, in architecture, is any distinguishable space within a structure. Usually, a room is separated from other spaces or passageways by interior walls; moreover, it is separated from outdoor areas by an exterior wall, sometimes with a door. Historically the use of rooms dates at least to early Minoan cultures about 2200 BC, where excavations on Santorini, Greece at Akrotiri reveal clearly defined rooms within certain structures.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun, 2010, 19:08:41 by Frederique »
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protection hygiénique/maternité (produits) → feminine hygiene/maternity products

protection hygiénique → feminine hygiene

Le terme protection hygiénique désigne un certain nombre de dispositifs que les femmes peuvent utiliser afin d'éviter des épanchements sanguins extérieurs lors des menstruations.

feminine hygiene is a general euphemism used to describe personal care products used by women during menstruation, vaginal discharge, and other bodily functions related to the vulva. Sanitary napkins (American English) / Sanitary Towels (British English), pantiliners, tampons, menstrual cups, and feminine wipes are the major categories of feminine hygiene products.
In the 1930s, the term was used in the United States to refer instead to birth control


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corvée → chore

tâches ménagères → household chores, domestic chores, chores

Une tâche ménagère est une activité pratiquée à domicile pour l’entretien ou le fonctionnement du logement (ménage, vaisselle, achats,…).

Housekeeping or housecleaning is the systematic process of making a home neat and clean in approximately that order. This may be applied more broadly than just to an individual home, or as a metaphor for a similar "clean up" process applied elsewhere such as a procedural reform. It can also be called household management, which is the act of overseeing the organizational, financial, day-to-day operations of a house or estate, and the managing of other domestic concerns.

Exemples par ordre alphabétique → A few examples in alphabetical order
I am not going to even mention pressing underwear. Do people really find time to do that?

A few interesting sites:
Tâches ménagères – Lexique – cours_1
Tâches ménagères – Lexique – cours_2
Les tâches ménagères- French Vocabulaire flashcards | Quizlet

Art de laver et repasser ses vêtements

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outils de jardinage → gardening tools

Notre recherche a été initiée par la lecture d’un livre de jardinage datant de 1984 (Louis Giordano, Encyclopédie Hachette du Jardinage) retrouvée au coin de notre bibliothèque. Plusieurs de ces outils continuent à faire partie de la panoplie du jardinier. Certains sont, un peu désuets et ont été remplacés par un équipement certainement plus performant mais aussi plus bruyant et gaspilleur en produits pesticides et d’engrais.
Nous avons mentionné quelques nouveaux outils et nous vous invitons à visiter notre index présenté ci-dessous par ordre alphabétique.
A vous de jouer et de jardiner

Our research began when reading a book on gardening dating from 1984 (Louis Giordano, Hachette Encyclopedia of Gardening) found in a corner of our library. Many of these tools continue to be part of the gardener’s panoply. Some are a bit outdated and were replaced by indisputably more efficient, but also noisier equipment, wasteful in pesticides and fertilizers.
We have cited some new tools and invite you to see our index presented below in alphabetical order.
It’s your turn to play and garden

vendredi 13 août 2010 - Friday August 13, 2010            
« Last Edit: 13 Aug, 2010, 18:17:49 by Frederique »
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Nos outils:
Voici ceux que nous avons pu trouver dans notre boite à outils.Ce n’est qu’une liste d’outillage de base. Vous pourrez y adjoindre l’outil super-perfectionné, ou très spécialisé. A vous de jouer!

Our tools :
This is what we found in our toolbox; just a list of basic tools. Don’t hesitate to add your favourite or specialised tools. It’s up to you!

Nos outils → Our tools

Tuesday, 19 October 2010 - mardi 19 octobre -2010
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