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How to install a macro in Word

1.   Select the lines of the macro and copy them (Ctrl +C).
2.   Press Alt+F8. It will display the Macros dialog.
3.   In Macros In select Normal.dotm (global template)
4.   On the dialog, click Step into or Create.
5.   Go to the end of the macros and paste your macro (Ctrl + V).
6.   Click File>Save Normal (Ctrl+S), then click File>Close and Return to Word.
7.   Press Alt+F8. You should now see the name of the macro in the list of installed macros.

If you want to run the macro with a shortcut, you have to assign that shortcut to the macro. In Word 2010/2013 click on:

1.   File > Options > Customize Ribbon then on the bottom left Keyboard shortcuts: Customize.
2.   Scroll down the Categories list on the top left and click on Macros.
3.   Then on the right pane, click on the macro you want to assign the shortcut to.
4.   On the Press new shortcut key below, press the shortcut key you want for the macro. (Check the Current keys box to make sure that you aren't assigning a key combination that you already use to perform a different task. Important: To make your macro available in all documents, be sure that Normal.dotm is selected in Save changes in:.
5.   Click Assign and close all windows.

« Last Edit: 18 Dec, 2015, 19:55:47 by spiros »
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