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Post-Edit Compare

Post-Edit Compare is a tool designed to report translation modifications during the post-edit phases of a translation workflow. The tool works by comparing two versions of the same SDLXLIFF file (before and after changes were applied); the files with changes are highlighted and all modifications are included in a comparison report.
The comparison report is formatted in a way that simplifies the understanding of what changes were applied from one version of the file to the other, along with a full break down of the modifications and related cost analysis.
Improved handling for TERp analysis, much improved and simplified reporting process from the main Studio Projects View, ability to save reports in Excel
RWS AppStore Plugin


SDLXLIFF Compare is a compact and fast tool used for comparing SDL XLIFF files and display the comparison results in an XML/HTML report. The comparison report is formatted in a way that simplifies the understanding of what changes were made from one version of the file to the other, whether it is textual content or segment status modifications. This tool can be especially useful for the management of a project, to understand the amount and what type of changes were made during a translation and/or revision phase. It uses the SDL Studio API to iterate through and recover all segment pairs from the SDL XLIFF files.
RWS AppStore Plugin
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