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(1/1160) > >>

[1] ληστοκρατία → thiefocracy

[2] σταθμός μετεπιβίβασης → transit station

[3] μπαλνταφάν

[4] πλατανόδασος → plane tree forest

[5] μονιμάς → lifer, careerist, permanent camping resident

[6] πληθωρικός → excessive, overabundant, extravagant, lavish, corpulent, curvy, buxom, voluptuous, plethoric, intense, abundant, exuberant, larger than life, bigger than life, gushy, over-the-top, over the top, colorful, colourful, force of nature

[7] μπουγατσατζίδικο → bougatsa shop, bougatsa joint

[8] μπουγατσάδικο → bougatsa shop, bougatsa joint

[9] μπουγατσοπωλείο → bougatsa shop, bougatsa joint


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