To help answer your questions we would like to invite you to the next Live User Forum for SDL TRADOS users. During this webinar a panel of experts including a mixture of support engineers, developers, training and product managers will answer your questions and demonstrate the solutions for you. You will also have the opportunity to learn new tips tricks and additional information on the software.
To make sure that we can cover the topics that interest you, we would like you to vote on the most requested questions that we have already received from our customers and select the ones that you would like to see answered. During the webinar support engineers will also be taking questions live.
Please go
here to vote for your requested questions and submit new questions prior to the event.
Closing date for voting/ submitting questions: July 8th.
Webinar: Live User Forum "Ask me any Question"
Location: Online
Date: Tuesday, 10th July 2007
Time: 10:00am New York/Montreal
3:00pm London,
4:00pm Paris/Berlin/Rome
Duration: 60 Minutes
Language: English