moderator → συντονιστής, επόπτηςSomeone who moderates.
An arbitrator or mediator.
The chair or president of a meeting, etc.
(Internet) A person who enforces the rules of a discussion forum by deleting posts, banning users, etc.
The person who presides over a synod of a Presbyterian Church.
(nuclear physics) A substance (often water or graphite) used to decrease the speed of fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor and hence increase likelihood of fission.
A device used to deaden some of the noise from a firearm, although not to the same extent as a suppressor or silencer.
(UK) An examiner at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
(Ireland) At the University of Dublin, either the first (senior) or second (junior) in rank in an examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
(UK) Someone who supervises and monitors the setting and marking of examinations by different people to ensure consistency of standards.
A mechanical arrangement for regulating motion in a machine, or producing equality of effect.
(historical) A kind of lamp in which the flow of the oil to the wick is regulated.
moderator - WiktionaryΔικαιώματα και υποχρεώσεις των εποπτών (Moderators)
Tην εφαρμογή των κανόνων χρήσης του Forum επιτηρούν οι επόπτες. Οι επόπτες είναι μέλη του Forum με κάποια επιπλέον δικαιώματα και υποχρεώσεις.
Σε περίπτωση οποιασδήποτε μη συμμόρφωσης με τους κανόνες χρήσης, οι επόπτες μπορούν, με τη σειρά:
— Να συστήσουν στα παρεκτρεπόμενα μέλη τη συμμόρφωση με τους κανόνες χρήσης του Forum, και ενδεχόμενα επαναλαμβάνοντας τη σύστασή τους αυτή
— Να διορθώσουν μηνύματα στα σημεία όπου παραβιάζονται οι κανόνες χρήσης
— Να κλειδώσουν θέματα έτσι ώστε να μην είναι δυνατή η δημοσίευση νέων μηνυμάτων σε αυτά
— Σε περίπτωση επανειλημμένης και συστηματικής παραβίασης των κανόνων χρήσης από κάποιο μέλος, καταρχήν να προειδοποιήσουν και στη συνέχεια να απαγορεύσουν στο μέλος τη συμμετοχή του στο Forum. are several factors used for choosing a moderator.
— Post count. A low count suggests that one is still new to the forum. Even though a high post count does not speak of quality, it does show that one has been around and/or interested in the forum.
— Quality of posts. All posts are not created equal. A high post count of one word posts is not quality. Quality is the matter of the material written in the post. Good quality is one that has helped the other readers.
— Content of posts. Answers to questions, or questions that stir interest is desired. Having content that abides by the rules is desired, in other words, not SPAM posts or inappropriate links in the posts.
— Experience. Moderating experience is not needed, but experience around webmastering is needed.
Mod duties include, but are not limited to:
— SPAM Cop. It's ever present, and needs dealt with.
— Editing & deleting posts. Inappropriate posts need to conform to the rules.
— Nurturing forums. Take care of your forums for which you're responsible. From answering questions, or helping to find answers, to asking questions, to developing polls. Help your forum to grow in a professional manner.
— Good conduct. Maintaining a professional and courteous demeanor is crucial to the growth of the forum.
— Time. Being a mod does require your time of being here.
This is not all inclusive, but is a guide for you to think about when considering being a moderator.