I Dati Personali trattati al fine di prevenire Abusi/Frodi saranno conservati da Ferertti SpA per il tempo strettamente necessario alla suddetta finalità e dunque fino al momento in cui Ferretti S.p.A. sarà tenuta a conservarli
per tutelarsi in giudizio a comunicare detti dati alle Autorità competentihttps://preowned.ferrettigroup.com/it-it/DisclaimerPersonal information processed for the purpose of preventing Abuse/Fraud will be retained by Ferretti S.p.A. for the period strictly necessary for said purpose and thus until the moment when Ferretti S.p.A. is required t
o retain them to protect itself legally for notification to the competent Authorities of said information.
prevenire o individuare qualsiasi abuso nell’utilizzo del Sito, o qualsiasi attività fraudolenta e dunque permettere alla società di
tutelarsi in giudizio (“Abusi/Frodi”).
https://www.lago.it/privacy/Prevent or identify any kind of abusive use of the Site or any fraudulent activity and so permit the company to
protect itself in court (‘Abuse/Fraud’).
https://www.lago.it/en/privacy/TO prevent or identify any abuse in the use of the Site, or any fraudulent activity and therefore allow EMA BART to
defend itself in court (“Abuse / Fraud”)