σταγόνες ὕδατος πέτρας κοιλαίνουσιν → constant dropping wears away a stone, constant dripping will wear away the hardest stone, little strokes fell big oaks, constant dripping wears the stone, constant dropping wears the stone, constant dripping will wear away a stone


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σταγόνες ὕδατος πέτρας κοιλαίνουσιν → constant dropping wears away a stone, constant dripping will wear away the hardest stone (literally, "drops of water hollow out stones"): late antique/modern (?) paraphrase of the preceding (πέτρην κοιλαίνει ρανὶς ὕδατος ἐνδελεχείῃ), c.f. e.g. Themistius (4th cent. CE) In Aristotelis physica paraphrasis 5.2.208, τὴν πέτραν κοιλαίνουσιν οἱ πολλοὶ σταλαγμοί ("many drippings hollow out the rock").

Englisch: [1] constant dripping wears the stone → en, little strokes fell big oaks → en
Esperanto: [1] senĉesa guto eĉ ŝtonon traboras → eo
Französisch: [1] l’eau qui tombe goutte à goutte, cave la pierre → fr, goutte à goutte, l’eau creuse la pierre → fr
Italienisch: [1] la goccia costante scava la pietra → it, goccia a goccia, síncava la pietra → it
Latein: [1] gutta cavat lapidem → la
Niederländisch: [1] de gestadige drup holt de steen → nl
Polnisch: [1] kropla drąży skałę → pl
Portugiesisch: [1] água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura → pt
Russisch: [1] капля камень точит (kaplja kamen’ točit) → ru
Spanisch: [1] agua blanda en dura piedra tanto dará que la hienda → es, la gota de agua horada la piedra → es
« Last Edit: 14 May, 2019, 20:08:24 by billberg23 »


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