thicknesser → ξεχονδριστήρας, πλάνη ξεχονδρίσματος, μηχανή διαμόρφωσης πάχους


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thicknesser ξεχονδριστήρας

ΕΛΕΤΟ | Ορόγραμμα 186

A thickness planer (also known in the UK and Australia as a thicknesser or in North America as a planer) is a woodworking machine to trim boards to a consistent thickness throughout their length. This machine transcribes the desired thickness using the downside as a reference / index. So, to produce a completely straight planed board requires that the down surface is straight before planing. Obtaining the first flat side requires either face planing with a jointer or face planing using a planer and jointer sled.
Thickness planer - Wikipedia
« Last Edit: 28 Sep, 2024, 09:08:31 by spiros »
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