you should not be like the bad simply because they are many, nor should you hate the many because they are unlike you –> μήτε ὁμοῖος τοῖς φαύλοις γένοιο πολλοῖς οὖσιν, μήτε ἐχθροὺς πολλοὺς ποιοῖο ἀνομοίους ὄντας


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You should not be like the bad simply because they are many, nor should you hate the many because they are unlike you.

I took this one from Sencas "Letters to Lucilium" VII, 8: neve similis malis fias, quia multi sunt, neve inimicus multis, quia dissimiles sunt.

I come up with:
μήτε ὁμοῖος τοῖς φαύλοις γένοιο πολλοῖς οὖσιν, μήτε ἐχθροὺς πολλοὺς ποιοῖο ἀνομοίους ὄντας.

I ask myself if the use of „ὅτι“ instead of the participatory construction is favorable. It would be closer to the original, but certainly lack some "density".  Maybe the solution lays in the use of „ἅτε“ in order to make clear we are dealing with participles of cause.
« Last Edit: 07 Sep, 2021, 16:20:17 by spiros »


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