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Convert online TMX translation files memory to text

Convert TMX translation memory to text (tab delimited)

Tmx to text is part of a series of CAT conversion tools developed by Translatum:

tmx > text (read Help)
xlsx/xls/tsv > tmx (read Help)
xlsx/xls/tsv > MultiTerm xml (read Help).

Tmx to text is a tool that converts tmx (translation memory exchange) files to Unicode tab delimited text files (tsv).

Make sure only plain LATIN characters (without accents) are contained in the file name. [Important!]

It accepts as input any bilingual tmx file (in UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding) and it will output a zipped tab delimited text file (tsv) with the date and time as part of the file name.

Please note that the tool strips by default all formatting tags in order to increase text readability. You can open the output file with Excel or paste it in Excel once you opened it with a text editor like Notepad++. Avoid using Windows Notepad when handling large text files.

If your tmx file is larger than the maximum file size limit (10 MB), then split your tmx file into smaller files (by using a free tool like Heartsome for example).

Files are deleted hourly and they are not used for any purpose.

« Last Edit: 03 Dec, 2021, 12:09:52 by spiros »
Look up Multiple Greek, Ancient Greek and Latin dictionaries — Οὕτω τι βαθὺ καὶ μυστηριῶδες ἡ σιγὴ καὶ νηφάλιον, ἡ δὲ μέθη λάλον· ἄνουν γὰρ καὶ ὀλιγόφρον, διὰ τοῦτο καὶ πολύφωνον (Plutarch)


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Would it be possible to show the tmx in a form of an html table in a browser? We won't have to perform the download and unzip steps.


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Yes, but that would require further programming and this is a tool created for professional translators who use CAT tools. By they way, you can simply paste the output to Excel and you will have a two-column worksheet. You can also manipulate tmx in various ways using various tools, like xbench
« Last Edit: 23 Feb, 2016, 15:31:37 by spiros »
Look up Multiple Greek, Ancient Greek and Latin dictionaries — Οὕτω τι βαθὺ καὶ μυστηριῶδες ἡ σιγὴ καὶ νηφάλιον, ἡ δὲ μέθη λάλον· ἄνουν γὰρ καὶ ὀλιγόφρον, διὰ τοῦτο καὶ πολύφωνον (Plutarch)


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Thanks for your prompt reply. Our company ptiglobal.com employs not only professional translators for whom your program was originally developed but also a large group of QA  language testers who often receive .tmx files to use as a reference. We are looking for a tool that would be extremely easy to use to search .tmx files. Being able to click on a button and open a local .tmx file and have an html table shown right in the browser would be an ideal tool for this audience. Downloading, extracting, importing steps would most certainly discourage our QA testers from using this tool.
If you feel that this does not provide sufficient reason to add this feature to your tool, would you be willing to share the code, so that our engineers have a good starting point to develop such a tool as described above?

« Last Edit: 07 Nov, 2016, 10:15:45 by spiros »


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