Bilingual and multilingual legal dictionaries in the European Union (A critical bibliography)
Gerard-René de Groot and Conrad J.P. van Laer
Maastricht, 15 May 2005
Legal dictionaries are useful tools in preparing quality translations. Unfortunately, their quality is often questionable due to a lack of reliability. Many such dictionaries deserve serious criticism, which becomes clear when our evaluation criteria are applied. Based on comparative legal research, these criteria are applied to the basic organisation of bilingual and multilingual legal dictionaries.
The crucial issue in dictionary assessment is to establish a sound basis for criticism. We are convinced that this basis is found in the nature of the language of the law. The language of the law is very much a system-bound language, i.e. a language related to a specific legal system. Translators of legal terminology are obliged therefore to practice comparative law. Based on these crucial considerations, desiderata for reliable legal dictionaries may be formulated. A legal dictionary should indicate, for example, the degree of equivalence, or the absence thereof, in the target language-related legal system.
From this broad perspective we have developed a typology for the purpose of classifying hundreds of recently published legal dictionaries containing the legal languages of all EU Member States. We have established the following three categories; each successive category shows a higher degree of quality:
1) Word lists (WORD)
Those bilingual or multilingual lists of terms offering unsubstantiated translations; equivalence is assumed; no explanation as to different meanings is offered. Solely useful for words not found in other dictionaries;
2) Explanatory Dictionaries (EXPL)
Those also containing sample sentences illustrating the relevant linguistic context;
3) Comparative Dictionaries (COMP)
These also refer to legal systems and/or legal sources, such as legislation or the literature,
and to legal areas or comparative law. They distinguish between legal systems that share the
same language.
Our final conclusion is that most legal dictionaries must be classified as a word list, which implies here that they are of dubious quality. To date, few legal dictionaries have attempted to meet our criteria. Dictionaries that are based on comparative legal research, on the other hand, offer advantages that render them useful to professional translators.
Gerard-René de Groot, Professor of Comparative Law and Private International Law
Frequent publications on issues of legal translation.
Conrad J.P. van Laer, Law Librarian
Doctoral dissertation on the Applicability of Comparative Concepts: Het nut van comparatieve begrippen, Vol. 20 in the Ius Commune Europaeum Series, Maastricht 1997, ISBN 90-5095-008-6.
Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands.
The idea of a trichotomy can already be found with Jacques Le Tellier, who has distinguished three ‘generations’ of dictionaries: the first one does not give explanations nor examples; the second ‘generation’ provides for contexts to find equivalents; the third one offers contexts and definitions. (Jacques Le Tellier in a letter to the Asser Institute; see G. Hesseling, Een juridisch woordenboek: geen alledaags project; in: Tien jaren T.M.C. Asser Instituut 1965-1975, Den Haag 1975 (p. 141-148) p. 144.)
The names of the Member States of the European Union are abbreviated according to the most recent edition of the Interinstitutional style guide < 7.1.1. Designations and abbreviations to use Last updated:
In connection to the names of the Member States, the direction of the translation is shown as follows:
→ one-way dictionary, only translating from e.g. FR into ES;
↔ bi-directional dictionary, for translating from e.g. FR into ES, and vice versa.
WORD/EXPL: UK↔ES Alcaraz Varó, E. & Hughes, B. Diccionario de términos jurídicos Inglés-Español/Spanish-English
7.a edición totalmente revisada y aumentada
Barcelona 2003
XIII+977 p
ISBN 8434432366
Nevertheless, the dictionary is I. Prüfer (Lebende Sprachen 1995, p. 41-
WORD: CZ→DE Aleš, M.
Česko-německý právnický slovník
2. aktualizované a doplnĕné vydání
Praha 2003
480 p
ISBN 807201448x
WORD: DE→CZ Aleš, M.
Nĕmecko-český právnický slovník
2. aktualizované a doplnĕné vydání
Praha 2003
532 p
ISBN: 8072014420
COMP: UK→DK,SE Anderson, R.J.B.
Anglo-Scandinavian Law Dictionary of Legal Terms Used in Professional and Commercial
Oslo 1977
137 p
ISBN 8200023656
Contains a relatively low number of entries, but gives for these terms rather elaborated information. Contains references to literature and introductory information on the judicial
organisation in England, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The title of the dictionary is too
broad, because it is obviously restricted to contract law. Interesting is that it is indicated explicitly whether for a given term from the source language a full or partial equivalent
exists in the target language. If one can hesitate about the equivalence, this is indicated with
‘compare’. Lack of an equivalent in the target language is also expressly mentioned.
WORD/EXPL: UK→PT Andrade, P.G. & Saraiva, Á.D. Dicionário jurídico
Porto 1991
242 p
ISBN 9729427445
Gives for several Portuguese terms references to statutory provisions, but this happens rather incidentally and not systematically.
WORD/EXPL: FR→PT Andrade, P.G. & Saraiva, Á.D. Dicionário jurídico
2.a ediçâo revista e aumentada
Lisboa 1996
227 p
ISBN 9728198108
Gives for several Portuguese terms references to statutory provisions, but this happens rather incidentally and not systematically. Remarkable is the short list with legal
dictionaries on page 227; these dictionaries will have inspired the authors.
WORD: DE→EE Andresson, H. & Tamm, V. Saksa-eesti õigussõnaraamat Tartu 1998
315 p
ISBN 9985603915
WORD: DE↔ES Antolínez Quijano, C.
Fachwörterbuch für Recht und Verwaltung Deutsch-Spanisch/Spanisch-Deutsch
2. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
Köln 1983
VI+427 p
ISBN 345219325x
WORD: LV↔UK Apinis, M.
Juridisko terminu vãrdnîca
Riga 2002
265 p
ISBN 998463633x
WORD: DE, IT, SI Apovnik, P. et al.
Slovenski pravni leksikon z nemškimi in italijanskimi ustreznicami geselskih besed
Ljubljana 1999
310 p
ISBN 961907260x
WORD: CZ,DE,FR,UK Bakeš, M. et al.
Česko-anglicko-nĕmecko-francouzský slovníček právních pojmů
2. upravené vydáni
Praha 2000
162 p
ISBN 8072012258
WORD/EXPL: FR↔UK Baleyte, J. et al.
Dictionnaire économique et juridique
Economic and legal dictionary
5e édition
Paris 2000
646 p
ISBN 2275003851
Reviewed by G.R.. de Groot & L. Rayar, European Review of Private Law, 3 (1995) p. 523-
533. They conclude (p. 532-533) that the volume fails to give an indication as to the degree of equivalence of terms and does not state whether a suggested translation is a neologism. They have missed also (bibliographic) references as to legal system, area of law and relevant articles or Codes. The volume offers mainly unsubstantiated translation suggestions.
WORD/EXPL: HU↔FR Bárdosi, V. et al.
Magyar-francia-magyar jogi szótár
Budapest 2001
XXX+373 p
ISBN 9632246020
WORD: UK→DE Bauer, B.
Legal terms
Die wichtigsten Fachausdrücke des englischen Rechts
9. Auflage
Bonn 2003
121 p
ISBN 3980924106
WORD: FR→DE Bauer, B.
Termes juridiques
Die wichtigsten Fachausdrücke des französischen Rechts
4. Auflage
Bonn 2003
72 p
ISBN 3980924114
WORD: HU→DE Bauer, B.
Jogi szókincs
Die wichtigsten Fachausdrücke des ungarischen Rechts
Passau 2003
84 p
ISBN 3980505731
WORD: ES→DE Becher, H.J.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 1: Spanisch-Deutsch
5. Auflage
München 1999
L+1420 p
ISBN 3406451616
WORD: DE→ES Becher, H.J.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Spanisch
5. Auflage
München 1999
XXX+1282 p
ISBN 3406444423
Rechtswörterbuch für die gewerbliche Wirtschaft
Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch mit dreisprachigem Index
2. überarb. und stark erw. Auflage
Frankfurt am Main 1980
985 p
ISBN 3781920151
This dictionary is divided according to specific fields of the law, which gives to the terms a certain context. Some translation suggestions are motivated in footnotes, but this happens rather incidentally and not systematically. The structure of this dictionary is therefore far from being consistent.
Beseler, D. von & Jacobs-Wüstefeld, B. Law dictionary
Fachwörterbuch der anglo-amerikanischen Rechtssprache einschließlich wirtschaftlicher und
politischer Begriffe
Vol 1: Deutsch-Englisch
4. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
Berlin 1991
XXIV+1916 p
ISBN 3110107163
A very extended word list. Contains a long list with abbreviations and contractions.
Beseler, D. von & Jacobs-Wüstefeld, B. Law dictionary
Fachwörterbuch der anglo-amerikanischen Rechtssprache einschließlich wirtschaftlicher und politischer Begriffe
Vol 2: Englisch-Deutsch
4. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
Berlin 1986
XXIII+1896 p
ISBN 3110104296
A very extended word list. Contains a long list with abbreviations and contractions.
WORD: UK→CZ Bocánková, M. et al.
Anglicko-český právnický slovník
2. rozšířené vydání
Praha 2001
863 p
WORD: ES↔UK Bodoutchian-Sáiz, V. Diccionario jurídico-empresarial español-inglés-español
Madrid, 2000
347 p
ISBN 8495428032
WORD/EXPL: NL→DE,FR,UK Boele-Woelki, K. et al.
Nederlandse rechtsbegrippen vertaald
2e herz. druk
Den Haag 1998
XVIII+74 p
ISBN 9067041041
Word list, initiated by the Netherlands Association of Comparative Law, with aims to standardise the translation suggestions.
Bossini, F.R. & Gleeson, M.
Diccionario bilingüe de terminología jurídica
Inglés-Español/Español-Inglés segunda edición
Madrid 1998
XXVII+554 p
ISBN 8448120604
The English entry terms are frequently – sometimes even extensively – explained in Spanish. However, the translation suggestions are not linked with references or illustrated by citations.
WORD: SE↔FR Bouvier, M.
Svensk-fransk och fransk-svensk Juridisk ordbok
Stockholm 1988
292 p
ISBN 9175480689
WORD: DE↔IT Brandt, E. & Lori, V. Grundwortschatz der Rechtssprache
Neuwied 1997
X+393 p
ISBN 3472026243
The entries of the word list have been arranged by 28 fields of the law, which offers a certain context to the terms involved. However, this approach makes a quick consultation of
the dictionary difficult if one does not yet know to which field of the law a certain term belongs.
The Council of Europe French-English legal dictionary
Strasbourg 1994
312 p
ISBN 9287124965
Provides frequently descriptions in English of the French source terms.
Cabanellas de las Cuevas, G. & Hoague, E.C. Butterworths Spanish/English legal dictionary Vol 1: English-Spanish
Austin 1991
669 p
ISBN 0409256676
‘This work is the best of the lot’ according to J.R. Torres, A Comparative Review of Spanish- English Legal Dictionaries, Law Library Journal 1994 (p. 230-235) p. 232.
Cabanellas de las Cuevas, G. & Hoague, E.C. Butterworths Spanish/English legal dictionary
Vol 2: Spanish-English
Austin 1991
690 p
ISBN 0409256684
‘This work is the best of the lot’ according to J.R. Torres, A Comparative Review of Spanish- English Legal Dictionaries, Law Library Journal 1994 (p. 230-235) p. 232.
WORD: ES↔FR Cammisa, D.M. et al.
Diccionario bilingüe de terminología juridica español-francés/francés-español
Buenos Aires 1996
526 p
ISBN 950200924x
Word list using the Argentinean legal terminology for the Spanish translations.
WORD : ES,FR,UK Cano Rico, J.R. Diccionario de derecho Español-Inglés-Francés Madrid 1994
423 p
ISBN 8430924167
Word list. The lists of the English and French entry terms is obviously made by inversion of the translation suggestions of the original Spanish entry terms.
Capelle, M.A.A. van & Punt, H.G.
Velder internationale vaktermenlijst voor juristen, fiscalisten, accountants, bankwezen, handel en industrie
2e bijgew. druk
Amsterdam 1991
607 p
ISBN 9073867029
Word list. The lists of the English, French and German entry terms is obviously made by inversion of the translation suggestions of the original Dutch entry terms.
Chaudesaigues-Deysine, A.E. & Dreuilhe, A.E.
Dictionnaire anglais-français et lexique français-anglais des termes politiques, juridiques et économiques
Paris 1978
354 p
ISBN 208200662x
Word list with inter alia some legal terms. Contains antonymes and references to alternative entries.
WORD: PT↔UK Chaves de Mello, M. Dicionário jurídico Português-Inglês-Português
7.a edição
Rio de Janeiro 1998
522 p
ISBN 8585772085
Dictionary obviously for the American market. The Portuguese explanation of English terms is considerably more detailed than the English explanation of Portuguese terms.
WORD: UK↔SK Chorvátová, I. & Mokráň, P. Dictionary of law
Bratislava [1997]
789 p
ISBN 8088861012
WORD: CZ→UK Chromá, M.
Česko anglický právnický slovník s vysvětlivkami second - corrected and updated edition
Praha 2003
481 p
ISBN 8073350211
WORD: UK→SE Collin, P.H. et al. English law dictionary engelsk-svensk-engelsk Stockholm 1989
340 p + supplement
ISBN 917113008x
ISBN 0948549157 reprint 1990
Word list with an index Swedish/English; several English entry terms are explained in English. This book can be qualified as a combination of a mono-lingual legal dictionary, combined with a list of translation suggestions in the Swedish target language.
WORD/EXPL: UK→DE Collin, P.H. et al.
PONS-Fachwörterbuch Recht
Stuttgart 1998
2. neubearb. Auflage
471 p + Anhang
ISBN 3125179513
Word list with an index German/English. An Annex provides the text of some English forms.
EXPL: ES↔UK Collin, P.H. et al. Spanish law dictionary
Teddington 1999
594 p
ISBN 1901659097
Occasionally, comments are included ‘to clarify entries that relate to specific legal terms
[….] and which have no equivalent in the other language.’
Conseil de l'Europe. Bureau de la Terminologie Lexique Anglais-Français (principalement juridique) Strasbourg 1993
463 p
ISBN 9287123136
WORD: IT→AT,DE Conte, G. & Boss, H.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 1: Italienisch-Deutsch
5. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
München 2001
530 p
ISBN 3406477747
WORD: AT,DE→IT Conte, G. & Boss, H.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Italienisch
6. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
München 2003
680 p
ISBN 3406480594
Dahl, H.S.
Dahl's law dictionary
French to English/English to French second edition
Buffalo N.Y. 2001
XXV+675 p
ISBN 2247043178
Dictionary mainly, but not exclusively for the American market. Gives references to statutory provisions and legal literature. The depth of the information varies considerably from term to term. See the very positive review in: the International Lawyer 1997, p. 1135-
1139; written by M.G. Monroy, member of the bar of Columbia.
Dahl's law dictionary
Spanish-English/English-Spanish third edition
Buffalo N.Y. 1999
XLI+913 p
ISBN 1575884968
Dictionary mainly, but not exclusively for the American market. Gives references to statutory provisions and legal literature. The depth of the information varies considerably from term to term. See the very positive review in: the International Lawyer 1997, p. 1135-
1139; written by M.G. Monroy, member of the bar of Columbia. Compare also the elaborated and positive review of the first edition of this dictionary (1992) by Prof. K.S.
Rosenn (Inter-American Law Review 1993, p. 607-623). Also reviewed by A.M. Garro,
Inter-American Law Review 1993, p. 625-627; and strongly recommended by B.M. Carl, Fordham International Law Journal 1995, p. 1069-1071.
[Delicostopoulos, A.J.] ∆εληκωςτοπουλου, Α.Ι.
Λεξικο αγγλοεγγηνικο και ελληνοαγγλικο νοµικων οιΚονοµικων εµπορικων και διοικητικων ορων [An English-Greek and Greek-English dictionary of law economic business and management terms]
third edition
Athens [Αθηνα] 1995
245 p
EXPL/COMP: UK→DE Dietl, C.-E. et al.
Wörterbuch für Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik mit erläuternden und rechtsvergleichenden
Vol 1: Englisch-Deutsch einschließlich der Besonderheiten des amerikanischen
6. völlig neu bearb. und erw. Auflage
München 2000
LXIII+942 p
ISBN 3406441122
English entry terms are frequently explained in German. A distinction is made between
English and American legal terminology. At the end of the book ‘endnotes’ refer to statutory
provisions and treaties. See the very positive review by G. Otto, Das Standesamt 1986, p.
EXPL/COMP: DE→UK Dietl, C.-E. et al.
Wörterbuch für Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik mit Kommentaren in deutscher und englischer
Vol 2: Deutsch-Englisch einschließlich der Besonderheiten des amerikanischen
4. völlig neubearb. und erw. Auflage
München 1992
XXII+849 p
ISBN 3406366546
German entry terms are frequently explained in English. A distinction is made between
English and American legal terminology. At the end of the book ‘endnotes’ refer to statutory provisions and treaties. See the very positive review by G. Otto, Das Standesamt 1986, p.
WORD: BE,DE,FR,IE,NL,UK Docte, E. le
Viertalig juridisch woordenboek
5e bew. en verm. druk
Antwerpen 1995
860 p
ISBN 9062154808
Provides in an annex surveys of the judicial organisation in the countries involved.
WORD: BE,DE,ES,FR,IE,UK Docte, E. le
Viertalig juridisch woordenboek
2e bew. en verm. druk
Antwerpen 1995
854 p
ISBN 9062154816
Provides in an annex surveys of the judicial organisation in the countries involved.
WORD: BE,FR↔UK Doucet, M.
Legal and economic dictionary
Paris 1979
XI+769 p
ISBN 2856080111
Remarkably, the translation suggestions are often inspired by the Canadian legal systems.
WORD: BE,FR→AT,DE Doucet, M. & Fleck, K.E.W
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 1: Französisch-Deutsch
5. neubearb. Auflage
München 1997
XXII+820 p
ISBN 3406417132
WORD: AT,DE→BE,FR Doucet, M. & Fleck, K.E.W
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Französisch
6. überarb. und erw. Auflage
München 2002
XVII+988 p
ISBN 3406480586
Recommended by R.L. Jox, European Review of Private Law 1997, p. 109.
WORD: BE,FR↔DE Dumey, R. & Plasa, W. Dictionnaire juridique français-allemand
édition revue et augmentée
Paris 1982
850 p
ISBN 2713300037
WORD: UK↔PT Durval de Noronha, G. Dicionário Jurídico Noronha
2.a ediçâo
Sao Paulo 1994
XXXIV+551 p
ISBN 8585548045
Contains in particular terms from the American, respectively Brazilian jurisdictions. Reviewed by P. de Lorenzo Messina, Journal of International Banking Law 1994, p. 35-36.
Egbert, L.D. & Morales-Macedo, F. Multilingual law dictionary
Alphen aan den Rijn 1978
XXII+551 p
ISBN 9028602674
Contains in an appendix a short list with English terms explained in English for ‘translators without legal training’.
Recommended by E.C. Thomas, Law Library Journal 1994, p. 264-265. Also recommended by P. Tsilas, International Journal of Law Libraries 1978, p. 312-313.
Ellenberger, H. & Froschauer, B. Grundwortschatz der Rechtssprache
Neuwied 2002
388 p
ISBN 3472038268
This dictionary is divided according to specific fields of the law, which gives to the terms a certain context.
WORD/EXPL: NL→UK End, A. van den
Juridisch Lexicon
The Legal Lexicon tweede editie
Zeist 2000
992 p
ISBN 9073489091
Gives many short sentences to illustrate the context of the terms. Contains in an annex a couple of pages with translations of standard sentences from statutes and bills.
WORD: UK→DE,ES,FR,IT Epstein, R. et al.
Law and Commercial Dictionary in Five Languages
English to German, Spanish, French, Italian
St. Paul, Minn. 1985
* Vol 1: A-J XVI+885 p
ISBN 031495502x
* Vol 2: K-Z XVI+899 p
ISBN 031495502x
The approach of this dictionary is unusual. The entry terms in English are defined in English and in respect of these therms references are given to the mostly American legal literature
and American case law. At the other side, the translation suggestions are not motivated at all.
WORD: UK→DE,ES,FR,IT Epstein, R. et al.
West's law and commercial dictionary inglese-italiano, francese, spagnolo, tedesco
Bologna 1988
XIII+1842 p
ISBN 8808031500
The content is in principle the same as that of the two volumes of Epstein (1985), but an
Italian index is added. Remarkable is that the price of this edition is about one quarter of the two volumes edition.
WORD: FI↔UK Eriksson, J.
Lakikielen perussanakirja
Helsinki 1995
IX+412 p
ISBN 9516407889
Refers often to the field of law in which a certain term is used.
WORD: FR↔ES Ferreras, J. & Zonana, G. Dictionnaire juridique et économique
Paris 1986
127 p
ISBN 2225805822
WORD: SK↔DE Fillová, D.
Slovensko-nemecký nemecko-slovenský slovník právnických výrazov
Bratislava 1998
183 p
ISBN 8088778069
WORD: DE↔FR Fleck, K.E.W. Wörterbuch Recht
Beck 2004
XIII+600 p
ISBN 340649109x
(Préface:) « Ce ‘Dictionnaire juridique français-allemand et allemand-français’ en un volume est le petit frère du DOUCET-FLECK, existant depuis 1960. (…) Ont seulement été
supprimés les termes généraux n’ayant pas un rapport étroit avec le vocabulaire juridique au sens strict du terme. Ainsi la lisibilité est accrue, mais rien d’essentiel n’a disparu »
Flory, P. & Froschauer, B. Grundwortschatz der Rechtssprache
Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch
2. überarb. und erw. Auflage
Neuwied 1995
XIV+258 p
ISBN 347202335x
Word list with incidentally a short explanation of the entry term. This dictionary is divided according to specific fields of the law, which gives to the terms a certain context. However,
this approach makes it difficult to find terms if one does not know the relevant field of law.
Dutch legal terminology in English
Second revised and updated edition
Leiden 2003
XI+153 p
ISBN 9074372244
According to the introduction (p XI) not a legal dictionary. The Dutch index refers to translation suggestions given in an English context on the law of the Netherlands, where legal terms of the Netherlands are explained in English. Incidentally it is indicated, that a certain English term is a neologism.
Reviewed by L. van Osch, Advocatenblad 2004, p. 31; response of T. Foster: Advocatenblad
2004, p. 126.
COMP: UK→IT Franchis, F. de Dizionario giuridico
Vol 1: Inglese-Italiano
Milano 1984
XI+1545 p
ISBN 8814003165
An introduction of 274 pages explains in the Italian language the main features of the common law. The dictionary contains an extensive bibliography. On several places the
dictionary gives information superfluous for translators.
Strongly recommended (‘digne des plus vifs éloges’) by R. David, Revue internationale de droit comparé 1986, p. 274-275. See for other reviews: vol. 2, p. 33-40.
COMP: IT→UK Franchis, F. de Dizionario giuridico Vol 2: Italiano-Inglese Milano 1996
1467 p
ISBN 8814050015
Contains positive reviews of volume 1: p. 33-40. This volume is certainly less elaborated than the first volume. Contains an extensive bibliography. The information in the introductory part is, however, of limited importance and does not provide for a systematic introduction in the Italian legal system or the common law.
Reviewed by F. Marrella, Revue internationale de droit comparé 1996, p. 964-965.
Garay y Chamizo, C. & Rothe, M. Rechtswörterbuch mit Erläuterungen
2. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
Neuwied 2003
XXIV+1041 p
ISBN 3472040610
Refers frequently to statutory provisions, both for the entry terms and for the translation suggestions, but regrettably this does not happen consequently. Contains a long comparative chapter on the judicial organisation in Germany and Spain.
Grelewicz-La Mela, M. & Nuzzo, B. Słownik prawniczy włosko-polski
Warszawa 2003
XI+468 p
ISBN 8372840075
EXPL: DK→DE Gubba, W.
Dansk-tysk juridisk ordbog
3. udgave
København 1993
590 p
ISBN 8712024066
An elaborated introduction in German written by Jan Engberg describes the characteristics of and the differences between the German and Danish legal systems. Contains sentences
but references to legal sources are lacking.
EXPL: AT,DE→DK Gubba, W.
Rechtswörterbuch Deutsch-Dänisch
3. udgave
København 1995
723 p
ISBN 8712028045
An elaborated introduction in German written by Jan Engberg describes the characteristics of and the differences between the German and Danish legal systems. Contains sentences but references to legal sources are lacking.
WORD: FR↔SE Hellberg, O. Juridik ordbok
fransk-svensk och svensk-fransk med begreppsförklaringar
Stockholm 1983
102 p
ISBN 9118370322
Despite the subtitle only incidentally some short explanations of terms are provided, e.g. ’le
Conseil d’État’ as ’Frankrikes högsta förvaltningsdomstol, som även har vissa konsultativa funktioner, t ex granskning av lagförslag’.
WORD/EXPL: ES→DK Henriksen, T.
Juridisk ordbog spansk-dansk
København 1991
440 p
ISBN 8712020850
Some entries are briefly explained. Contains a short description of the main characteristics of the Spanish and Danish legal systems.
WORD: UK→AT,BE,DE,FR Herbst, R. & Readett, A.G.
Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rechtssprache
Vol 1: Englisch-Deutsch-Französisch
4. neu bearb. und ergänzte Auflage
Thun 1997
1155 p
ISBN 3859420143
WORD: DE→FR,UK Herbst, R. & Readett, A.G.
Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rechtssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch
5. neu bearb. und ergänzte Auflage
Thun 1998
1293 p
ISBN 3859420267
Herbst, R. & Readett, A.G.
Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rechtssprache
Vol 3: Französisch-Englisch-Deutsch
3. neu bearb. und ergänzte Auflage
Thun 2003
909 p
ISBN 3859420259
COMP: NL→FR Hesseling, G.
Juridisch woordenboek (Nederlands-Frans, met woordenlijst Frans-Nederlands) privaatrecht
Antwerpen 1978
XXII+513 p
ISBN 9062150020
Entry terms and translation suggestions are illustrated with quotations, the sources of most of which are given. It can also be used by Belgian users. The dictionary is good, but
somewhat outdated, because important alterations have been made to the French and
especially the Dutch private law since the completion of this work. Positive reviews in Verzekerings-Archief 1978, p. 161-162; and in: TVVS/Ondernemingsrecht 1979, p. 210. Negative reviews in: SEW 1978, p. 788; in: Rechtskundig Weekblad 1978-1979, kolom 122-124; and in: R.M. Themis 1979, p. 30-31.
EXPL: BE,DE,DK,FR,IE,UK Hjelmblink, S. Retsplejeordbog
København 1991
463 p
ISBN 8716066464
This dictionary restricts itself to terminology in the field of procedural law and judicial organisation. In respect of the French and German entries, references to statutory
provisions and legal literature are frequently provided. The book contains several
conceptual trees of English, French and German legal terms. The book contains surveys of the judicial organisation in the countries involved. The translation suggestions in Danish do
not contain references to statutes or legal literature.
WORD: UK→BE,DE,ES,FR,NL Hoof, D.C. van; et al.
Elsevier’s legal dictionary
in English, German, French, Dutch and Spanish
Amsterdam etc. 2001
1420 p
ISBN 0444817859
Extremely expensive word list (price € 228.48) with English as source language and separate indices for the different target languages.
WORD: UK↔BE,FR Ingleton, R.D.
Elsevier's dictionary of police and criminal law
English-French and French-English
Amsterdam 1992
592 p
ISBN 0444891021
Word list with incidentally some explanations, more often in English than in French.
Internationales Institut für Rechts- und Verwaltungssprache
* Zivilprozeß
Köln 1982
108 p
ISBN 3452192687
* Strafprozeß
Köln 1985
150 p
ISBN 3452203239
* Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungsprozeßrecht
Köln 1985
107 p
ISBN 3452206920
* Das Recht des öffentlichen Dienstes
Köln 1987
209 p
ISBN 345220782X
* Ausländer- und Niederlassungsrecht
Köln 1990
159 p
ISBN 3452215784
The dictionary is divided systematically with the terms being given a central place. The book contains gradations of equivalence and references to statutory provisions. ‘Ein
Musterbeispiel für ein gelungenes Zusammenspiel von Rechtsvergleichung und
Terminologievergleich’, according to R. Arntz (Rechtsvergleichung und Kontrastive
Terminologiearbeit, in: P. Sandrini, Übersetzen von Rechtstexten, Tübingen 1999 (p. 185-
201) p. 188).
‘Regretfully, the dictionaries cover only a small number of terms (…). On the other hand, the methods of conceptual analysis used therein can serve as a model for others’; cf. S. Šarčević, New Approach to Legal Translation, The Hague 1997, p. 237.
WORD: UK→PL Jaślan, J. & Jaślan, H.
Słownik terminologii prawniczej i ekonomicznej angielsko-polski
6th edition
Warszawa 2001
724 p
ISBN 8321410243
WORD: PT→AT,DE Jayme, E. et al.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 1: Portugiesisch-Deutsch
München 1994
XII+489 p
ISBN 3406339786
WORD: AT,DE→PT Jayme, E. et al.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Portugiesisch
München 1990
L+541 p
ISBN 3406339794
According to M. Nunes (Lebende Sprachen 1993, p. 36-38), the comprehensive list of abbreviations has more defects than the other translation suggestions.
WORD: FI→UK Joutsen, M.
Lakikielen sanakirja suomi-englanti
Finnish-English Law Dictionary
3rd expanded and updated edition
Helsinki 2000
502 p
ISBN 9510239321
WORD/EXPL: UK→FR Kahn-Paycha, D.
Lexique d’anglais juridique
Paris 1993
190 p
ISBN 272989327x
Some terms of the English legal system are bilingually explained. On several places
attention is given to the risk of a ‘faux ami’. Incidentally, references to statutes are provided.
EXPL/COMP: DE→EL [Kaisis, A.G.] Καεσης, ΑΘ.Γ.
Γερµανοελληνικο λεξικο νοµικης ορολογιας [Deutsch-Griechisches Rechtswörterbuch] Vol 1: A-K
Θεσσαλονικη 1995
XXV+1038 p
ISBN 9603011959
Vol 2: L-Z
Αϑηνα − Θεσσαλονικη 2002
XXV+1333 p
ISBN 9603016306
The comments to the entry terms often contain references to German codes and the translation suggestions occasionally refer to Greek laws. Sporadically references are made
to handbooks. The dictionary contains a very extensive list of literature in the German and
Greek languages respectively, although the compilation of the lists is rather arbitrary. Positively reviewed by G. Gounalakis, Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht 1998, p. 409-
WORD: UK↔ES Kaplan, S.M.
Wiley's English-Spanish, Spanish-English Legal Dictionary second edition
New York 1997
XVII+646 p
ISBN 047116111x
Obviously for the American market. Reviewed by: F. Avalos, International Journal of Legal
Information 1995, p. 202-203.
COMP: FR↔DE Kaufmann, O.
Wörterbuch Arbeits- und Sozialrecht Französisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Französisch München 2004
VII+261 p
ISBN 3406479189
Recommended by: R. Buschmann, Arbeit und Recht 2004, p. 349; J. Gruber, Neue
Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht 2004, p. 1033.
WORD: FR↔DE Kettler, S.
Lexique de l’allemand juridique Français-Allemand/Allemand-Français Paris 2002
152+XXXVII p
ISBN 2729809503
Contains a long list of abbreviations and geographical words.
WORD: DE→PL Kienzler, I.
Słownik prawniczo-handlowy
Warszawa 2000
551 p
ISBN: 8372500126
WORD/EXPL: PL→DE Kilian, A. & Hanckel, G.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 1: Polnisch-Deutsch
München 2000
XIII+465 p
ISBN 3406399185
The entry terms are incidentally provided with references to the statutory provisions using or defining these terms.
WORD/EXPL: DE→PL Kilian, A. & Hanckel, G.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-polnisch
München 1996
753 p
ISBN 3406399193
The entry terms are incidentally provided with references to the statutory provisions using or defining these terms.
Köbler, G. & Schusterschitz, G. Rechtsenglisch
deutsch-englisches und englisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
4. überarb. Auflage
München 2000
XXXV+402 p
ISBN 3800625520
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the English legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
Köbler, G. & Väänäen, M. Rechtsfinnisch
deutsch-finnisches und finnisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
Giessen 2004
XXI+312 p
ISBN 3884301012
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Finnish legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
Köbler, G. & Winkler, P. Rechtsfranzösisch
deutsch-französisches und französisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
4. überarb. Auflage
München 2004
XXVII+358 p
ISBN 3800630680
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the French legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
WORD: DE↔IT Köbler, G. et al. Rechtsitalienisch
deutsch-italienisches und italienisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
2. überarb. Auflage
München 2004
XXXII+427 p
ISBN 3800630249
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Italian legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
Compare the following critical remark: `Bedenklich ist auch das Grundkonzept dieses Werkes, nämlich die Annahme, daß eine Entsprechung zwischen deutschen und italienischen Rechtstermini immer vorhanden sei’ (S. Giuliani, Zum Präzisionsgrad der juristischen Übersetzung, in: P. Sandrini, Übersetzen von Rechtstexten, Tübingen 1999 (p. 229-241) p.
Köbler, G. & Sobiecka, K. Rechtspolnisch
deutsch-polnisches und polnisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
Muenchen 2001
XIX+305 p
ISBN 3800627205
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Polish legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
Köbler, G. & Hohenauer, M. Rechtsspanisch
deutsch-spanisches und spanisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
2. überarb. Auflage
München 2003
XX+328 p
ISBN 3800629577
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Spanish legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
WORD: DE↔CZ Köbler, G. et al. Rechtstschechisch
deutsch-tschechisches und tschechisch-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
München 2003
XXI+324 p
ISBN 3800628732
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Czech legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
WORD: DE↔HU Köbler, G. et al. Rechtsungarisch
deutsch-ungarisches und ungarisches-deutsches Rechtswörterbuch für jedermann
Giessen 2004
XXIV+321 p
ISBN 3884301020
Contains a rather short introduction to the main features of the Hungarian legal system. Refers for the background and explanation of the German entries to Köbler, Juristisches Wörterbuch, 8th edition 1997.
WORD: DE↔HU Köhegyes, A. (compiler)
Magyar-német-magyar jogi szakszótár
Budapest 2003
480 p
ISBN 9632247132
WORD: SK↔DE Krenčeyová, A. & Krenčey, I. Prekladatel'ský slovník právo ekonomika Bratislava 2002
1000 p
ISBN 8088861020
Lacasa Navarro, R. et al.
Diccionario de derecho, economia y política
2.a edición
Madrid 1986
763 p
ISBN 847130306x
WORD: NL→DE Langendorf, H. & Stein, P.A.
Wörterbuch der deutschen und niederländischen Rechtssprache
Vol 1: Niederländisch-Deutsch
München 1976
365 p
ISBN 3406066720
Compare the very critical book review by G.R. de Groot and M. Tragter-Schubert in R.M. Themis 1978, 479-484.
WORD: FR↔IT Lebertre, S. & Mauro, C. Dictionnaire juridique
Paris 2001
XX+497 p
ISBN 2275017968
Contains surveys of the judicial organisation in France and Italy. Reviewed by C. Jarrosson, Revue internationale de droit comparé 2002, p. 885.
EXPL/COMP: FR→DE,UK Lerat, P. & Sourioux, J.-L.
Dictionnaire juridique. Terminologie du contrat avec des équivalents en anglais et en allemand
Paris 1994
239 p
ISBN 2853192571
The structure of this dictionary is explained in the introduction. The definition of the entry terms is given in the source language. References are occasionally made to statutory provisions, frequently to other dictionaries and legal databases such as Eurodicautom. The mention of other dictionaries as sources of translation suggestions is to the credit of the intellectual honesty of the authors. The verifiability of the translation suggestions is complicated.
WORD: DE,FR,UK Lindbergh, E.
International Law Dictionary
Deventer 1993
VIII+439 p
ISBN 9065446974
Dangerous: the book contains inverted glossaries.
WORD: DE,FR,UK Lindbergh, E.
Internationales Rechtswörterbuch
Neuwied 1993
VIII+439 p
ISBN 3472015551
In spite of the different title identical with Lindbergh’s ‘International Law Dictionary’. Reviewed by: R.-A. Surma, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 1994, p. 352.
WORD: DE,FR,SE,UK Lindberg, E.
Fyrspråkig juridisk ordbok
Stockholm 1995
622 p
ISBN 9171990267
Adds unsubstantiated Swedish translation suggestions to the previous editions: Lindbergh
WORD: DE→UK Lister, R. & Veth, K.
Taschenwörterbuch Recht Deutsch-Englisch
Ismaning 2002
250 p
ISBN: 3190062773
WORD: UK→DE Lister, R. & Veth, K.
Taschenwörterbuch Recht Englisch-Deutsch
Ismaning 2002
272 p
ISBN 3190062781
WORD: SK→UK Longyka, T.
Slovensko-angleški pravni slovar
Ljubljana 2001
392 p
ISBN 961236124x
Łozińska-Małkiewicz, E. & Małkiewicz, J.
Polsko-angielski słownik terminologii prawniczej
2. wyd
Toruń 1998
589 p
ISBN 8390373157
WORD: PL→FR Łozińska-Małkiewicz, E.
Polsko-francuski słownik terminologii prawniczej
2. wyd
Toruń 2003
942 p
ISBN 8390373114
WORD: PL→FR Machowska, A.
Słownik terminologii prawniczej polsko-francuski
Bydgoszcz 2003
481 p
ISBN 8386605847
WORD: SK→UK Magula, J.
Právny slovník
Vol 1: Slovensko-anglický
Ružomberok 2002
495 p
ISBN 8080575037
WORD: UK→SK Magula, J.
Právny slovník
Vol 2: Anglicko-slovenský
Ružomberok 2002
479 p
ISBN 8080575029
WORD: SE→UK Martinger, S. Juridik ordbok
Svensk-engelsk fackordbok
2 uppl. Stockholm 1991
99 p
ISBN 9138500450
Sometimes, a short explanation is given in order to facilitate the user to make a choice between some translation possibilities.
WORD: UK→IT Mastellone, L.
Legal and commercial dictionary
Sydney 1980
IX+173 p
ISBN 0409300217
WORD: UK→ES Meilij de Romero, G.
Vocabulario legal y empresario (legal and business terms) Buenos Aires 1987
IX+345 p
ISBN 9501403742
EXPL: FR↔ES Merlin Walch, O. Dictionnaire juridique
4e édition
Paris 1998
XVIII+1150 p
ISBN 2275016805
Contains elaborate sample sentences, but unfortunately does not mention any sources. The book contains maps outlining the judicial organisation (=Annexe: p. MI-MXX).
Reviewed by G.R. de Groot & L. Rayar, European Review of Private Law, 3 (1995) p. 523-
533. They conclude (p. 532-533) that the volume fails to give an indication as to the degree of equivalence of terms and does not state whether a suggested translation is a neologism. They have also missed (bibliographic) references as to legal system, area of law and relevant articles or Codes. The volume offers mainly unsubstantiated translation suggestions.
Muñiz Castro, E.-G. et al.
Diccionario terminológico de derecho
Madrid 1992
613 p
ISBN 8476951086
Sloppy and incorrect is ‘subjetive law’ (instead of ‘subjective right’) as an equivalent for
‘Derecho subjetivo’ in two places (p. 271 and p. 410).
WORD: DE→CZ Munková, J. et al
Odborné nĕmecko-české právnické názvosloví
Praha 1998
VI+200 p
ISBN 8071791792
Naudi, A.A. & Cascante, C. Grundwortschatz der Rechtssprache
Neuwied 2003
XIII + 206 p
ISBN 3472037652
Word list with sometimes a short explanation. The (German) explanation is mainly given for the Spanish terms. The limited number of terms has been specifically selected for German as source language and target language, respectively. The word list is divided according to specific field of the law, which gives to the terms a certain context.
WORD/EXPL: UK→DK Nielsen, S.
Engelsk-dansk juridisk basisordbog
København 1993
123 p
ISBN 8716111664
Gives descriptions in the Danish language of the English entry terms, but lacks references to statutes, cases or legal literature. Gives a brief survey of the judicial organisation in
England and Denmark.
WORD: CZ→IT Nováková, M.
Česko-italský právnický slovník
Praha 2001
141 p
ISBN: 807201255x
Oosterveld-Egas Repáraz, M.C. et al.
Juridisch woordenboek Nederlands-Spaans, met register
Apeldoorn 1990
XXXI+371 p
ISBN 9062152716
Excellent and exemplary dictionary, which combines translation and explanation, context and references to sources. The translation suggestions Dutch-Spanish are certainly
scientifically sound. See the review full of praise by G.R. de Groot ‘Een nieuw tweetalig
juridisch woordenboek’ (De Juridische Bibliothecaris 1990, p. 21-27; also published in: Van taal tot taal 1991, p. 3-14). See also G.R. de Groot, Sobre la traducción de la terminologia juridica y un nuevo diccionario bilinguë, Revista española de derecho internacional 1993, p. 585-593.
WORD: PL→UK Oźga, E.
Słownik terminologii prawniczej
Vol 1: polsko-angielska second edition Bydgosczc 1997
518 p
ISBN: 8386605499 reprint 2002
WORD: UK→PL Oźga, E.
Słownik terminologii prawniczej
Vol 2: angielska-polsko second edition
Bydgosczc 1998
660 p
ISBN: 8386605-39-1 reprint 2004
EXPL: DK→UK Pals Frandsen, H.
Juridisk ordbog dansk-engelsk København 1996
XI+207 p
ISBN 8712020257
For most of the terms an indication is given of the field of the law in which the term is used.
EXPL: UK→DK Pals Frandsen, H. Juridisk ordbog engelsk-dansk
2. udgave
København 1996
XI+216 p
ISBN 8712029955
For most of the terms an indication is given of the field of the law in which the term is used.
WORD: SE↔DE Parsenow, G.
Fachwörterbuch für Recht und Wirtschaft
2. neubearb. und erw. Auflage
Köln 1985
XVI+500 p
ISBN 3452200531
According to K. Rossenbeck (Lexicographica 1989, p. 227-240), this book should never have been printed and should be destroyed as waste paper as quickly as possibly. Often the author’s own fabrications are passed off as professional terms and the inversion of the entry terms is naive.
WORD: PL→UK Pieńkos, J.
Polsko-angielski słownik prawniczy
Kraków 2002
493 p
ISBN 8373330526
WORD: PL→FR Pieńkos, J.
Polsko-francuski słownik prawniczy
Kraków 2003
257 p
ISBN 8373330631
WORD: PL→DE Pieńkos, J.
Polsko-niemiecki słownik prawniczy
Kraków 2002
304 p
ISBN 8373330534
Potonnier, G.E. & Potonnier, B.
Wörterbuch für Wirtschaft, Recht und Handel
Vol 1: Deutsch-Französisch
3. völlig neu bearb. und erw. Auflage
Wiesbaden 1997
XVII+1685 p
ISBN 3870971673
Word list with very few references to statutory provisions. The third edition has a stronger comparative law perspective than the second edition, according to R. Arntz et al., Einführung in die Terminologiearbeit, 4., gründlich überarb. Auflage, Hildesheim 2002, p.
Potonnier, G.E. & Potonnier, B.
Wörterbuch für Wirtschaft, Recht und Handel
Vol 2: Französisch-Deutsch
2. völlig neu bearb. und erw. Auflage
Wiesbaden 1990
XVIII+1678 p
ISBN 3870971126
Word list with very few references to statutory provisions. Reviewed by: G. Barthel, Romanische Forschungen 1990, p. 454.
WORD: ES↔UK Robb, L.A.
Dictionary of legal terms
30. reimpresión
México 2004
X+228 p
ISBN 9681803841
Primarily for Latin American countries.
WORD: IT→DE Roggendorff, D.S.M. Termini giuridici
Die wichtigsten Fachausdrücke des italienischen Rechts
Passau 2002
72 p
ISBN 3980505723
WORD/EXPL: UK→DE Romain, A. & Bader, H.A.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftsprache
Vol 1: Englisch-Deutsch
5. neubearb. Auflage
München 2000
VIII+898 p
ISBN 3406454070
WORD/EXPL: AT,DE→UK Romain, A. et al.
Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftsprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Englisch
4. neubearb. Auflage
München 2002
986 p
ISBN 3406480683
Word list with sporadical fragments of sentences.
WORD/EXPL: UK→AT,DE Salízites, H.-J.
Lexikon der englischen Wirtschafts- und Rechtssprache
Vol 1: Englisch-Deutsch
München 1994
X+370 p
ISBN 3486227106
With a list of abbreviations. The book has an unbalanced distribution of references to sources.
WORD/EXPL: AT,DE→UK Salízites, H.-J.
Lexikon der englischen Wirtschafts- und Rechtssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Englisch
München 1994
X+407 p
ISBN 3486227157
With a list of abbreviations. The book has an unbalanced distribution of references to sources.
Scheer, M.K. & Rüter-Ehlermann, A.L.
Wörterbuch der deutschen und niederländischen Rechtssprache
Vol 2: Deutsch-Niederländisch
München 1989
426 p
ISBN 3406066739
WORD: ES→DE Schlüter, B. & Schalk, S. Términos jurídicos
Die wichtigsten Fachausdrücke des spanischen Rechts
Passau 2001
98 p
ISBN 3000083340
WORD: DE→PT Silveira Ramos, F. Dicionário Jurídico alemão-português Coimbra 1995
527 p
ISBN 9724008282
WORD: DE→PL Skibicki, W.
Słownik terminologii prawniczej i ekonomicznej niemiecko-polski
Wyd. 5
Warszawa 2000
523 p
ISBN 8321409830
EXPL: ES↔UK Solís, G. et al.
West's Spanish-English, English-Spanish Law Dictionary
St. Paul, Minn. 1992
IX+747 p
ISBN 0314008462
Word list with short definitions.
WORD: UK→FI Soukka, P.
English-Finnish law dictionary
Helsinki 1976
XI+274 p
ISBN 951906849x
WORD: DE→PT Sousa, A.F. de
Dicionário jurídico, político e económico
Vol 1: Alemão-português
Lisboa 1994
1233 p
ISBN 9728072279
WORD: ES→SE Svahnström, S.B.
Spansk-svensk juridisk och ekonomisk ordbok
Stockholm 1997
232 p
ISBN 9139002578
Tomaščínová, J. & Damohorský, M. Italsko-český právnický slovník
Praha 1999
116 p
ISBN 8085927659
WORD: IT↔BE,FR Tortora, G. Dizionario giuridico
3 edizione
Milano 1994
XVIII+867 p
ISBN 8814045755
Translations, e.g. ‘tribunale’, have been partially inversed. This is a bad word list.
According to G. Rouhette (Revue internationale de droit comparé 1991, p. 958) ‘très éloigné du `Dizionario giuridico’ (...) de F. de Franchis’.
In the Italian/English part, incidentally references to legislative provisions have been made
at the end of each list of entrance terms, each list being alphabetically ordered (starting with particular characters). This precludes an easy access to this information.
WORD: DE↔FR Toulouse, C.
Dictionnaire commerce, droit et vie sociale allemand-français/français-allemand
Paris 1994
VI+454 p
ISBN 3928952072
WORD/EXPL: UK→CZ Trade Links (compiler)
English-Czech dictionary of Czech business law and economy
Prague 1997
314 p
This dictionary has a remarkable structure. With the help of approximately 200 terms information is given, in both the English and Czech languages, on the Czech legal system. In
an annex the book contains an English-Czech and a Czech-English word list.
Tragakis, G. [Τραγάκης Γ] et al.
An English-Greek and Greek-English dictionary of law terms [Αγγλοελληνικο & Ελληνοαγγλικο λεξικο νοµικων ορων] Athens [Αθηνα] 1986
476 p
Troike Strambaci, H. & Helffrich Mariani, E. Wörterbuch für Recht und Wirtschaft
Vol 1: Deutsch-Italienisch
seconda edizione
Milano 1997
X+1538 p
ISBN 8814044953
Comprehensive word list with an elaborate list of abbreviations.
Troike Strambaci, H. & Helffrich Mariani, E. Wörterbuch für Recht und Wirtschaft
Vol 2: Italienisch-Deutsch
seconda edizione
Milano 1999
XIII+1385 p
ISBN 8814061750
Comprehensive word list with an elaborate list of abbreviations. Many translation suggestions are given for each entry term, but no explanation is provided to help make a soundly based choice between the translation options offered.
United Nations Office at Geneva. Languages service
Law terminology in English, French and Spanish
Vol 1: A-H, XXXIII+560 p; Vol 2: I-Z, 622 p (p.561-1183) Geneva 1990
Word list which refers regularly, but not systematically, to statutory provisions that are
taken from a large number of legal systems. The dictionary is incomplete and too broad which makes it less suitable for translations that are limited to two legal systems.
WORD: FR→NL Velden, F.J.A. van der
Beknopt juridisch woordenboek
Deventer 1977
VIII+140 p
ISBN 9026809751
Partly outdated.
WORD: FR↔DE Villar, C.
Glossaire juridique français-allemand
Bordeaux 1997
124 p
ISBN 2904825797
Spanish-English dictionary of law and business
Atlanta 1999
319 p
ISBN: 1883707374
Occasionally indicates to which legal system the Spanish entry term relates. Frequently, translation suggestions are illustrated.
Reviewed by F. Avalos, International Journal of Legal Information 1999 (p. 459-461) p.
461: highly recommended to any person that deals with Latin American legal or commercial matters.