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house arrestκατ' οίκον περιορισμός, περιορισμός κατ' οίκον, κατ' οίκον κράτηση

In justice and law, house arrest (also called home confinement, home detention, or, in modern times, electronic monitoring) is a measure by which a person is confined by the authorities to their residence. Travel is usually restricted, if allowed at all. House arrest is an alternative to being in a prison while awaiting trial or after sentencing.
House arrest - Wikipedia

ar: إقامة جبرية; bg: домашен арест; bn: গৃহবন্দি; ca: arrest domiciliari; cs: domácí vězení; da: husarrest; de: Hausarrest; en: house arrest; eo: hejmaresto; es: arresto domiciliario; eu: etxe barruko arrastatze; fa: حبس خانگی; fi: kotiaresti; fr: détention à domicile; he: מעצר בית; hu: házi őrizet; id: tahanan rumah; it: detenzione domiciliare; ja: 軟禁; jv: tahanan omah; kk: үйде қамап ұстау; kn: ಗೃಹ ಬಂಧನ; ko: 가택 연금; ml: വീട്ടുതടങ്കൽ; my: နေအိမ် အကျယ်ချုပ်; nl: huisarrest; nn: husarrest; no: husarrest; pl: areszt domowy; pt: prisão domiciliar; ro: arest la domiciliu; ru: домашний арест; sh: kućni pritvor; simple: house arrest; so: seetee guri; sv: husarrest; ta: வீட்டுக் காவல்; tr: ev hapsi; uk: домашній арешт; vi: quản thúc tại gia; zh_yue: 軟禁; zh: 軟禁
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