Hallo, now that I found this site I really think the Internet is really a useful tool, what a wonderful surprise...I'll introduce my question: my name's Demis I'm an Italian guy with a greek name(ehy by the way does anybody have greek friends or relatives with the same name? Demis and not Denis?I'd like to know if there is someone else in this planet who shares my name...never met him)I regard music as one of the most important things in my life and I would really love to get a tattoo of the greek word for music...CAN YOU HELP ME PLEASE???
I started my research in dictionaries and found out mousiké but I would like to know if there is more than one form of it (I studied Latin at school and I know the words change with the casus - nominativus, gaenitivus, etc...), if there's a difference between modern and ancient greek versions, what's the right pronunciation of it, is there just a correct form of writning it or is there a normal one and a more aulic one with long or short accents? God, I really would like to get the chance to learn this beautiful language...I hope you will have the time to help me
Grazie Demis