Press Release – Comprehensive coverage of EU languages by
Magic Search is a multilingual tool allowing visitors to look-up multiple sources with a single click (dictionaries, corpora, machine translation engines, search engines) as well as customizing the sources included in the search and the order they appear.
The number of supported language pairs is over 10.000 and the list of source definitions is over 17MB of text.
As of April 2016, comprehensive coverage of official EU languages has been achieved. And you may ask:
Q. Which are the official EU languages?
A. Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish.
Q. What is meant by comprehensive coverage?
A. Comprehensive coverage means that most, if not all, important bilingual English <> X language system-accessible online sources have been included, as well as monolingual sources for all the above languages. For example, if you search from French into English, there are 28 bilingual sources available as well as 14 (French) monolingual sources. Coverage has also been extended to non-English pairs, where available. For example, if you search from French into German, there are 16 bilingual sources.
Many other languages (European or otherwise) are covered quite extensively too, for example Catalan, Russian, Thai.
Q. Why is this important?
A. Because translators spend a lot of time researching terminology and magicsearch can help immensely in saving time and effort; after all, “those who don’t believe in magic will never find it”.