IMPORTANT: The Forum Rules!

spiros · 12 · 464737


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Welcome to the RULES....

We want to grow and keep the Translatum Greek Translation forum as a great forum for Greek translators. A place where can learn, share, and "dislocate language into meaning" together!

In order for us all to enjoy our visits to the Greek Translation Forum, a few rules need to be placed and followed for the benefit of all.

The visitor/user should read carefully the terms and conditions of use as well as the rules, before visiting or using the web pages and services of this site. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site. The visitor/user is advised to check these terms and conditions periodically for changes. The continued use of this web site following the posting of changes to these terms and conditions will mean the unconditional acceptance of those changes. If one disagrees with any of these changes then he/she should not continue using the current web site.

The materials in this web site are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied, to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, this web site disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Web site does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the site or the server(s) that makes this site available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

1. Translation help.
1.1 BEFORE POSTING an English to Greek or Greek to English question check for the translation of a word from the "Magic search" box (make sure you chose the appropriate language pair from the drop-down menu), found on translatum tools tab on the left of the forum or you can access them from this page. This utility searches many dictionaries in one go. If it is a Greek word make sure it is spelled correctly in Greek script and that it is in the standard form (no plural / cases / tenses). If it is an English word, you can also look it up at OneLook Dictionary Search and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

1.2 Help with obscene language will not be provided and posts containing obscene, erotic, racist, defamatory, religiously sensitive content or content urging violence or content without any linguistic merit (i.e. trivial SMS and social media messages) whatsoever may be deleted and their posters may be blocked from future use of the forum. We recommend instead the use Google translate. If your text is in an image, try online Greek OCR first or use the Google translate mobile app.

1.3 Do not post the same topic in more than one boards. For example, If you want a phrase or word translated into Greek use only this phrase or word as the subject and do not enter something like "I want a two-word translation from English into Greek", or "Please help with a translation". Just post the question in the English→Greek forum without quotation marks. (Remember to post it in the Ancient Greek forum if it is from / into ANCIENT Greek).

1.4 If you have different questions or phrases, open new threads for each one of them and don't list them all in the same thread.

1.5 If you ask for translation help please limit your query to 12 words and ALWAYS provide CONTEXT. If you want help with something bigger than that then you may contact one of the members or directly Translatum Translation Services for professional translation. If you want a free draft translation you can always use Greek machine translation (or the Google machine translation engine).

1.6 We will not do your homework for you. I.e. if you have a school assignment to translate English phrases into Ancient Greek or vice versa.

1.7 The same applies to forum abuse, i.e. people who post a high volume of questions in a short period of time without making any contribution to the forum whatsoever.

1.8 Moreover, if a member contacts another member asking for a free translation or asking for a paid translation and not paying for it, then this will be reasonable grounds for banning the member who made such a request.

1.9 Do not type in CAPITALS in the subject and the body of the posts unless necessary (i.e. acronyms) and do not use capitals for your user name.

1.10 Cross-posting. If the same terminology question has been also submitted to another web site (like Proz), the asker should indicate this in their message and cite the URL.

1.11 When a satisfactory answer has been given to your terminology question please modify accordingly the original post (not subsequent messages) using the modify button and following this format:

question asked[space][space]answer given

(please pay attention to space before and after the arrow)
Read more on different source/target and translations separators usage for exceptions to this general rule.

1.12 Do not use manual page breaks. Only press Enter if you want to start a new paragraph.

1.13 Do not post immediately after your own post. If you would like to add something to the last post, and nobody else has answered, you can press Modify and amend accordingly. Multiple consecutive posts by the same user clutter the forum and reduce readability.

1.14 When a post can be answered on the forum, then it is considered inappropriate to provide an answer by any other means, be it in another forum, web site, etc., or following private communication via PM, email or any other possible means. This sort of activity is punishable and a ban may be applied without further warning, particularly when the ulterior motive is to lure members to other sites using the resources and the infrastructure provided by this site.

2.  Do not use Greeklish!
English and Greek are the main languages of the forum. By all means other languages can also be used but try as much as possible to AVOID GREEKLISH! Greek is such a beautiful language and we should all be able to demonstrate at least a basic level of commitment to its beauty!

And if this argument does not move you, what sort of impression, really, would you give to a putative client who might be reading the forum and trying to find a translator to assign his/her job? That of one who cannot be bothered to write proper Greek. And if one cannot be bothered to write proper Greek why should they bother to deliver proper translations? You get my point...

There is a way you can get away with it though, just use the demo of Greeklish to Greek by ILSP. Be aware, they have a 255 character limit! Alternatively, use the

Greeklish to Greek applications: (free)
All Greek to me! (All Greek to me! -commercial)

See also: How to translate Greeklish text (Greek in Latin characters) using machine translation.

Members whohave entered text in greeklish should use the Modify button to fix them.

Also use accents and appropriate punctuation (i.e. at the end of a Greek sentence use a Greek question mark, not an English one; and while we are at that, one question mark is more than enough to convey your message) following either the Greek monotonic (or polytonic system if you are so inclined)!

Remember, after (not before) punctuation in most languages, we have a space, a single one at that. For example,this is wrong, and this is right.

3. Stay on Topic.
Posts in a particular forum need try and stay on topic. If you want to talk about something that is drastically removed from the topic of a forum, please take it to another, correct topic. We welcome most general conversation in the "Fun for Translators" and  "General Discussion" fora.

4. Be Respectful!
4.1 No Flames of any kind against a member, or group of members. Flames are considered a deliberate personal attack on another member or group of members. Having a difference of opinion is fine, but if it gets out of hand and turns into a fight to get the biggest jab at the other person, then it has gone too far.

If you are an experienced translator and a long standing member in translation communities, act like one. Lead by example and assist other newer members rather then attacking them. We look upon our veteran members to use this opportunity to teach the newer members the appropriate way to use these message boards.

Treat new members with respect, and vice versa. You were new at one point, as was everyone else. Please treat newcomers to the forums with respect, and new members should treat everyone else the same way.

4.2 Irony and sarcasm are included in the behaviours which are not encouraged in this forum and are in fact punishable. You should be even more respectful to moderators and administrators who spend an inordinate amount of time to serve the community. Disrespect to moderators and administrators will most likely result in you being banned sooner or later.

5. No spamming
Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic. Examples include: empty posts, double posts (posts immediately below your own reply - use the Modify button instead to add content) posts with few words that have no relation to the current thread or discussion, posts which only contain emoticons, posts that urge or demand the members to reply, and those posts that state they are spam, either to annoy or increase a member's post count. This determination is made by the forum Moderator or Administrator and is not up for discussion.

Also, do not overquote and by no means, do not quote the post directly above yours. It is completely unnecessary. Read more about quoting usage.

6. No advertising
6.1 Do not use domain names for your user name.
6.2 Advertising is not allowed in this forum and posters who use this forum for advertizing may be blocked and their posts deleted.

7. Image use.
You may use images for your profile but they need to be hosted elsewhere. I.e. if you have a pic in another site right click on it and copy/ paste the address to the appropriate field in your profile.

8. Avatar, Custom Title, Username use
No Avatar, Custom Title, and/or Username Changing Abuse. These are a luxury and abuse of them will result in them being lost. Do not use excessively long user names (i.e. more than 15 characters).

9. Signature Use.

9.1 Please try keep your signature to 4 lines or less. It helps keep our threads cleaner looking.
9.2 Do not add your name, initials, or other repetitive information after each post, use the signature instead!
9.3 You can use up to one link in your signature. Do not add email, address or telephone numbers in your signature.

10. Disciplinary measures
There are currently four disciplinary measures for users who do not follow the rules.
1. Warned. A Warned icon will be displayed on the user area and the user will not be able to modify posts.
2. Moderated. A Moderated icon will be displayed on the user area and the users posts will have to be approved by moderators in order to be published.
3. Muted. A Muted icon will be displayed on the user area and the user will not be able to post or reply to topics.
4. Banned. User is banned from the forum.

The forum moderators/administrators are not obliged to accept correspondence and give answers to members who have been banned. If you have been banned, this has been done for a good reason, and you will aggravate your position/decrease your chances of your ban being lifted if you try to get others to speak on behalf of you or communicate with an aggressive/intimidating way. Also, you have no right to request the deletion of your messages/account and no messages will be deleted unless there is a major legal issue involved.

Your behaviour and your communication during the ban period, will influence the duration of your ban. If you communicate aggressively, your ban will increase.

11. Participation is the only reason for logging in. Users who log in almost on a daily basis for prolonged periods of time and never or hardly ever participate in the forum, are clearly not interested in contributing in any form whatsoever to the community. These users may retain their user status (i.e. avoid being banned) by being permanently logged out.

12. Do not create duplicate accounts
Members are not allowed to create, use and access the forum with duplicate accounts or with someone else's account. Especially in the case where a member is banned, the use of a duplicate account will make their ban permanent. Accounts are never deleted (only a ban is possible) and this is the only way to make sure that no duplicate accounts are created.

13. Always enter your full name at the end of the message when posting on the Agency reviews board!
Also, you may be held personally responsible for any false or libellous comments. The agency or publisher will be notified and asked to reply to your comments publicly.

14. Members only board(s)
You are not allowed to forward, show or inform in any way of the content of the posts contained in members only board, or any other board which is accessible to a limited number of individuals, either to non-members or to banned members. This will constitute a breach of members' privacy and as a result you may be banned from using the forum.

15. Do not influence members
Members should not communicate directly with other members in order to influence what they post on this forum if this is done in an intimidating and/or insulting manner and especially when it concerns heated topics. Such actions would be considered manipulative and unfair and users are encouraged to report them to Administrators/Moderators. The anonymity of the user who reports such an incident will be protected and the offending member will be banned without further explanation

16. Fill in your profile!
We would like at least to know your gender, if you don't mind that is.

17. Enjoy yourself!
You can have a great time posting and we look forward to your feedback.

The Translatum Greek Translation Forum Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit/delete any posts/topics they consider inappropriate for this forum and to ban offenders without the obligation to give an explanation. They have no obligation to delete any messages and members are not allowed to ask for deletion (especially if they have been banned) unless there is a proven, major legal problem. By posting on this forum, you agree that you do so out of your own free will; you do not infringe upon someone else's copyright; and you will not make any claims for deletion. Also, as this is a moderated forum, Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit the message subjects, contents and polls so as to improve and clarify. Moreover, they reserve the right to change or alter these rules at any time. Anything not expressly covered in these rules is subject to an Administrator / Moderator's approval. An Administrator and/or Moderator's word is final.
« Last Edit: 28 Oct, 2020, 10:05:01 by spiros »


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  • Vicky Papaprodromou
Great, Spiros!

I hope that all members will read the rules carefully and respects them.

I am particularly in favour of the rule concerning "Greeklish", which I find a bit... monsterous!
« Last Edit: 07 Jan, 2008, 16:59:46 by wings »
Ο λόγος είναι μεγάλη ανάγκη της ψυχής. (Γιώργος Ιωάννου)


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Λογικό είναι, εάν μάλιστα έχει κανείς και αρχαιοελληνική / φιλολογική παιδεία φαίνεται ακόμη σημαντικότερο! (Για φαντάσου π.χ. έναν φιλόλογο που διδάσκει Αρχαία να γράφει με Greeklish!)
« Last Edit: 13 Nov, 2004, 15:25:59 by spiros »


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  • Vicky Papaprodromou
Tα οποία Greeklish αξίζει να σημειώσουμε πως χαρακτηρίζονται και από «αναρχία» μια κι ο καθένας γράφει ό,τι θέλει, όπως το θέλει και συνήθως ακολουθεί ένα κράμα κανόνων καταπώς τον βολεύει... αυτό κυρίως με εκνευρίζει.
« Last Edit: 07 Jan, 2008, 17:00:56 by wings »
Ο λόγος είναι μεγάλη ανάγκη της ψυχής. (Γιώργος Ιωάννου)


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Βέβαια όσοι βαριούνται να βάζουν τόνους και να γράφουν Ελληνικά υπάρχει και μία άλλη λύση. Γράφτε το Greeklish και μετά πηγαίνετε να το μετατρέψετε...

και μία μικρή προσθήκη στους κανόνες την οποία παραθέτω και εδώ....

And if this argument does not move you, what sort of impression, really, would you give to a putative client who might be reading the forum and trying to find a translator to assign his/her job? That of one who cannot be bothered to write proper Greek. And if one cannot be bothered to write proper Greek why should they bother to deliver proper translations?
« Last Edit: 13 Nov, 2004, 18:51:59 by spiros »


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Γειά σας φίλοι μεταφραστές!

Σας ευχαριστώ για την μνημόνευση της σελίδας μου, την Greeklish Nowhere! πού περιέχει το μοναδικό ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΟ Ελληνικό πληκτρολόγιο του διαδυκτίου.  Ακόμα κι αν ο υπολογιστής σας δεν έχει Ελληνικό πληκτρολόγιο (ξένα γραφεία, σχολές, κλπ) κανένα πρόβλημα, γράφετε με Λατινιά, σας βγαίνουν Ελληνικά, και μετα κάνετε copy-paste όπου θέλετε.

Τό μόνο που θα ήθελα να επισημάνω είναι οτι το "Greeklish Nowhere" μπορεί να βάλει και τόνους.  Το αναφέρω, γιατι πιο πάνω λέτε (does not use accents).  Οι τόνοι γράφονται με ακριβώς τα ίδι πλήκτρα των Windows.

Επίσης, με την χρήση του ειδικού παράθυρου (Special Input), μπορείτε να γράψετε πολυτονικά, με το συστημα betacode, που χρησιμοποιεί η διεθνής κοινότητα Ελληνόφωνων ακαδημαϊκών.  Το σύστημα είναι εύκολο, και μαθαίνεται εντός 5' .

Ἂν σᾶς ἐνδιαφέρει κοιτάχτε ἐδώ

Ο απευθείας σύνδεσμος είναι¨
ή, πιό απλά,

Ελπίζω να σας φανεί χρήσιμο.

Ευχαριστώ και ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ.

The Greeklish Nowhere! management :)


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Αγαπητέ φίλε,

Όταν έλεγα για τους τόνους εννοούσα όταν όταν επικολλάς greeklish δεν το τονίζει αυτόματα (πράγμα που κάνει το εργαλείο του ΙΕΛ).


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From today, any messages posted in Greeklish will be deleted and no more notices will be appended to those messages. There is a warning about Greeklish in the registration agreement as well as the rules.

Respect the moderators' time.

Thank you.


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A new rule has been added. I would like to remind that the continued use of this web site following the posting of changes to these terms and conditions will mean the unconditional acceptance of those changes. If one disagrees with any of these changes then he/she should not continue using the current web site.

1.12 When a post can be answered on the forum, then it is considered inappropriate to provide an answer by any other means, be it in another forum, web site, etc., or following private communication via PM, email or any other possible means. This sort of activity is punishable and a ban may be applied without further warning, particularly when the ulterior motive is to lure members to other sites using the resources and the infrastructure provided by this site.


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Moreover, I would like to add, that no personal correspondence will be entered into with members regarding the rules (especially members who have repeatedly broken the rules in the past) and their modifications/additions. All such messages will be forwarded to the Junk mail folder.

We would be much obliged, if the people who do not appreciate the quality and services provided by this site, as well as its rules and management, kindly refrain from participating in this community. In fact, we are adamant that they should do so.
« Last Edit: 04 Jun, 2008, 23:50:48 by wings »


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Καθώς κάποιοι άνθρωποι όχι μόνο δεν έχουν τηρήσει τους κανόνες πριν, αλλά φυσικά, ούτε και μετά, ας υπενθυμίσω μερικά σημεία τους:

The forum moderators/administrators are not obliged to accept correspondence and give answers to members who have been banned. If you have been banned, this has been done for a good reason, and you will aggravate your position/decrease your chances of your ban being lifted if you try to get others to speak on behalf of you or communicate with an aggressive/intimidating way. Also, you have no right to request the deletion of your messages/account and no messages will be deleted unless there is a major legal issue involved.

Your behaviour and your communication during the ban period, will influence the duration of your ban. If you communicate aggressively, your ban will increase.

Επομένως, δεν γίνονται διαγραφές μηνυμάτων υφιστάμενων μελών, πόσο μάλλον αποκλεισμένων μελών.

Λογικά, πολλοί άνθρωποι αγνοούν γιατί υπάρχουν πειθαρχικές ποινές, διότι, στα μηνύματα που είδαν, ή που μπορούν να δουν, δεν έχουν δει τίποτε το «μεμπτό». Δυστυχώς όμως, δεν μπορούν να δουν ούτε τα μηνύματα που έχουν σβηστεί, ούτε την προσωπική αλληλογραφία, γι' αυτό καλύτερα, ας έχουν τις επιφυλάξεις τους.

Επίσης, όποιος έχει ενστάσεις/φόβους για πιθανή «παραποίηση» μηνυμάτων (εκτός από αφαίρεση απρεπειών/συνδέσμων και διόρθωση ορθογραφικών/γραμματικών σφαλμάτων), ας πληρώσει προγραμματιστή της εμπιστοσύνης του (καθώς και το translatum για τα έξοδα της διαδικασίας) για ανάκτηση και επιβεβαίωση από αντίγραφο ασφαλείας (σε χώρο με ταυτόχρονη παρουσία συντονιστή/διαχειριστή του translatum), με τον όρο, ότι σε περίπτωση που δεν ισχύει «παραποίηση» θα καταβάλει ένα σεβαστό ποσό ως αποζημίωση, τόσο για τον κόπο στον οποίο μας υπέβαλε όσο και για την προσβολή που ενέχει ένας τέτοιος ισχυρισμός, καθώς, επίσης, την υποχρέωση να ζητήσει δημόσια συγγνώμη.
« Last Edit: 24 Sep, 2008, 02:17:34 by spiros »


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A couple additions to the rules:

1.12 Do not post immediately after your own post. If you would like to add something to the last post, and nobody else has answered, you can press Modify and amend accordingly. Multiple consecutive posts by the same user clutter the forum and reduce readability.


11. Participation is the only reason for logging in. Users who log in almost on a daily basis for prolonged periods of time and never or hardly ever participate in the forum, are clearly not interested in contributing in any form whatsoever to the community. These users may retain their user status (i.e. avoid being banned) by being permanently logged out.

In order to continue accessing and using this forum in any form whatsoever one has to adhere to these rules.
« Last Edit: 30 Jan, 2011, 12:10:20 by spiros »


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