generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) → παραγωγικός προεκπαιδευμένος μετασχηματιστής


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Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) -> παραγωγικός προεκπαιδευμένος μετασχηματιστής

Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) are a type of large language model (LLM) and a prominent framework for generative artificial intelligence. The first GPT was introduced in 2018 by OpenAI. GPT models are artificial neural networks that are based on the transformer architecture, pre-trained on large data sets of unlabelled text, and able to generate novel human-like content. As of 2023, most LLMs have these characteristics and are sometimes referred to broadly as GPTs.
Generative pre-trained transformer - Wikipedia

ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΗΜΕΡΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗΣ 2023 «άνθρωπος εναντίον μηχανής» - Χαιρετισμοί - Bodossaki Lectures on Demand (βλ. 2:22-2:25)

Transformers: Η Τεχνολογία Πίσω από το ChatGPT [Μάθε π[ώ]ς Μαθαίνουν] (4:36-4:43)
« Last Edit: 24 Oct, 2023, 21:58:44 by dominotheory »
Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.


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