γαῖαν ἔχοις ἐλαφράν → sit tibi terra levis (STTL)

spiros · 1 · 1848


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γαῖαν ἔχοις ἐλαφράν → sit tibi terra levis
may the earth rest lightly on you, may the ground be light to you

Sit tibi terra levis (commonly abbreviated as S·T·T·L or S.T.T.L. or STTL) is a Latin inscription used on funerary items from ancient Roman times onwards. The English language translation is approximately "May the earth rest lightly on you" or "May the ground be light to you"; the more literal, word by word, translation, is sit "may be", tibi "to you", terra "ground, soil", levis "light" (in the sense of the opposite of "heavy").
Sit tibi terra levis - Wikipedia
« Last Edit: 03 Jan, 2021, 21:23:08 by spiros »


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