Google tags in the form of:
[google]phrase search[/google]
have been converted to perform phrase search, that is to say, as if the search term was in quotes, like this "phrase search". All existing quotes from google tags have been removed since this not only would be redundant, but also would not produce a phrase search (as the resulting duplicate quotes would entail parsing the words contained in the phrase as a standard search).
So, no need anymore to use
[google]"phrase search"[/google]
As this would result as
""phrase search""
In Google.
In order to search two phrases, the syntax would be like this:
[google]low specificity" "χαμηλή ειδικότητα[/google]
Which looks like:
low specificity" "χαμηλή ειδικότηταBut results in Google as
"low specificity" "χαμηλή ειδικότητα"